Installing Webalizer

Webalizer – a program for reporting and statistics on log files.

Let’s say there is an installed Apache2 web server, for example, as I described in this article – Installing and Configuring the Apache2 Web Server

The Webalizer installation command in Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install webalizer

After installation, move the created directory /var/www/webalizer to the root of the Apache2 /var/www/html/ web server:

sudo mv /var/www/webalizer /var/www/html/

Open the configuration file Webalizer in any text editor, for example nano:

sudo nano /etc/webalizer/webalizer.conf

Let’s specify what log files should be analyzed, by default there is already indicated:

LogFile /var/log/apache2/access.log.1
LogType clf

You can specify ftp logs as follows:

LogFile /var/log/proftpd/xferlog
LogType ftp

You can also specify the type of logs squid or w3c.

And also change the directory where reports will be created:

OutputDir /var/www/html/webalizer

If necessary, we specify the encoding of HTML pages:

HTMLHead <META http-equiv="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html" charset="UTF-8">

You can specify a font:

TrueTypeFont /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-dejavu/DejaVuSans.ttf

Launch Webalizer to generate statistics:

sudo webalizer

Now you can open the report in the browser, where is the IP of your server.

You can re-configure the Webalizer with the command:

dpkg-reconfigure webalizer

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