Installing and configuring ZoneMinder in Ubuntu

ZoneMinder – the program for the organization of video surveillance.

Install command in Ubuntu / Debian:

sudo apt install zoneminder

After installation, we will link to the http configuration in the apache2 web server directory:

sudo ln -s /etc/zm/apache.conf /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/zoneminder.conf

Activate the required module:

sudo a2enmod cgi

Restart the apache2 web server so that it loads the configuration and you can open ZoneMinder via a browser:

sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 reload
sudo service apache2 reload

Open the web interface of ZoneMinder in the browser at http://HOST/zm

Open the options in the upper right corner, select the interface language (LANG_DEFAULT: ru_ru) and tick OPT_USE_AUTH in order to use login and password authorization in the web interface (next time you dial admin), save the settings by clicking the Save button.

Add the first monitor by clicking on the “Add Monitor” button on the left side, using the example of the Dahua DVR and using the example, we specify the following parameters for it:
In the General tab
Name: any
Source Type: Ffmpeg
Source tab
Source Path: rtsp://USER:PASSWORD@IP:PORT/cam/realmonitor?Channel=1&subtype=0 (where channel indicates the channel number and subtype 0 is the main stream / 1 is secondary).
And click “Save.”

In order not to store the login and password in clear form, it can be replaced by an encrypted command in Linux:

echo -n USER:PASSWORD| base64

For encryption, you can also use the online service

Sample ZoneMinder restart command:

sudo /etc/init.d/zoneminder restart

This completes the basic setting of ZoneMinder.
If a video interface is not displayed in the web interface and the error “Unable to authenticate user” is being written, then you need to uncheck the checkbox in “Options” – “System” – “AUTH_RELAY”.

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