ABillS. s_detail table grows

One day in July 2022, Zabbix told me that the size of the ABillS database exceeded 3 gigabytes, I created this trigger after installing Abills in 2018. After looking at the tables in the database, I noticed that the s_detail table began to grow strongly, before that it occupied several tens of megabytes in a month, and in July 2022 it grew by more than 2 GB. to reduce the size of the database, I removed the s_detail tables from the past months. I tried to specify s_detalization=0 in the configuration, but the table continued to grow. For example, 717,082 records (97 MB) were added to it in a day, for a month it turns out an example of 3 GB.

DROP TABLE s_detail_2020_07_31;
DROP TABLE s_detail_2020_08_31;
DROP TABLE s_detail_2020_09_30;

If you look at the first available sessions in the table:

SELECT * FROM s_detail WHERE acct_session_id='270ff1c3cb8f9491';

it can be seen that approximately every 10 minutes a record is added, and there are 10,000 online sessions.

I asked the ABillS developers and they suggested that in order to disable adding records to this table, you need to comment out the s_detalization option in the configuration file and reload the radius, which I did early in the morning:

service radiusd status
service radiusd stop
service radiusd status
service radiusd start
service radiusd status

After that, entries were no longer added to the s_detail table, as I understand it, traffic graphs were drawn on them on customer pages, but operators never used them.

I also cleared the last entries in the s_detail table:

DELETE FROM s_detail WHERE nas_id=11;
OPTIMIZE TABLE `abills`.`s_detail`;

See my other articles about ABillS

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