Adding ONT TP-LINK TX-6610 on Huawei SmartAX MA5683T

Suppose we went into the ONT TP-LINK TX-6610 web interface (standard IP, admin login, admin password) and specified transparent mode in the settings.
Watch how this is done in my video:

Then on the Huawei SmartAX MA5683T added lineprofile/srvprofile ONT profiles according to this instruction: Configuring the Huawei SmartAX MA5683T through the console

When connecting to a configured Huawei SmartAX MA5683T for the first time, first we’ll go into the configuration mode and the GPON interface configuration mode:

interface gpon 0/5

Now add the ONT with its serial number:

ont add 1 16 sn-auth "54504C47008974B2" omci ont-lineprofile-id 10 ont-srvprofile-id 10 desc "TEXT"
ont port native-vlan 1 16 eth 1 vlan 228 priority 0

Where the number 1 means the GPON port number on which the ONT is connected, we learn the serial number of the ONT by typing in turn the commands to search for new non-added ONTs:

display ont autofind 0
display ont autofind 1
display ont autofind 7

Or, exiting their port configuration mode, you can immediately see the non-added ONTs on all ports:

display ont autofind all

The number 16 means the ONT ID and is indicated by the next free sequence after the ONTs added to the configuration, the list of busy IDs can be seen by typing the command that displays the configuration (for each GPON port its ONT IDs):

display current-configuration

Exit the configuration mode of the GPON interface:


Add a service port that will generate untagged traffic on ONT (the number 177 means the service port number and is taken from the free ones in order):

service-port 177 vlan 228 gpon 0/5/1 ont 16 gemport 1 tag-transform default

Save the configuration:


That’s all, ONT will work like a media converter.

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