Since InnoDB is more reliable for storing important data and is more efficient with frequent write requests, I will convert MyISAM tables to InnoDB, in old databases, in one of the companies.
Continue reading “How to convert MySQL tables from MyISAM to InnoDB”Category Archives: Databases
MySQL Error Solution: Can’t create table ‘tablename’ (errno: 150)
MySQL error: Can’t create table ‘tablename’ (errno: 150) can occur when you, for example, upload a backup and MySQL is powered to create table 1 which refers to table 2, which essentially does not exist yet. You can solve by inserting the lines at the beginning in the backup:
Continue reading “MySQL Error Solution: Can’t create table ‘tablename’ (errno: 150)”Solution to phpMyAdmin error “This table does not contain a unique column”
Once I needed to change some data in a MySQL database, I decided to use phpMyAdmin and ran into a message:
Continue reading “Solution to phpMyAdmin error “This table does not contain a unique column””Solution for the MySQL startup error “Unknown/unsupported storage engine: InnoDB”
I noticed once an error starting MySQL server:
Continue reading “Solution for the MySQL startup error “Unknown/unsupported storage engine: InnoDB””Installing and configuring MySQL server on Ubuntu
You can install the MySQL server and client in Ubuntu/Debian like this:
MySQL. Time mismatch in error logs and slow queries logs
Once I turned on the logs of slow queries and noticed that the time is being written with the wrong time zone.
Continue reading “MySQL. Time mismatch in error logs and slow queries logs”How to change join_buffer_size in MySQL
I will give an example of changing join_buffer_size in MySQL.
join_buffer_size determines the size of the buffer for index scanning and joins without indexes. I recommend adding indexes or slightly increasing join_buffer_size (but in this case a full table scan will be performed).
How to enable Slow Query Log in MySQL
Enabling slow_query_log and log_queries_not_using_indexes will help to identify slow queries and queries without indexes that affect the performance of the MySQL server.
Continue reading “How to enable Slow Query Log in MySQL”How to see the process of exporting a SQL file?
In order to see the process of exporting a database to an SQL file, you can use the Pipe Viewer utility.
Continue reading “How to see the process of exporting a SQL file?”Triggers in MySQL
MySQL triggers are procedures that fire when certain events occur, such as inserting, deleting, changing a string.
Continue reading “Triggers in MySQL”