Installing the Netlist for ABillS

On the test, I install the Netlist module for ABillS in Ubuntu Server.

We import the tables into the database:

mysql -D abills --default-character-set=utf8 < /usr/abills/db/Netlist.sql

Open the billing configuration file:

nano /usr/abills/libexec/

Make sure that the module is activated:


Install nmap and Perl module for it:

sudo apt-get install nmap
sudo cpanm Nmap::Parser

Let’s see where nmap is located:

which nmap

Open the billing configuration file again:

sudo nano /usr/abills/libexec/

Let’s specify the path to nmap:


Add to sudoers:

echo 'www-data ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/nmap' >> /etc/sudoers.d/abills_sudoers

After installation, the module will be available in the menu /Settings/Netlist

Configuring FreeRADIUS DHCP for ABillS

Suppose you installed FreeRADIUS 2 as written in this article – Installation and configuration of the ABillS billing system
Now copy the dhcp.conf file into the FreeRADIUS configuration:

sudo cp /usr/abills/misc/freeradius/v2/dhcp.conf /usr/local/freeradius/etc/raddb/sites-enabled/

Continue reading “Configuring FreeRADIUS DHCP for ABillS”

Installing ISC DHCP for ABillS

Here is an example of the installation of the ISC DHCP server for ABillS in Ubuntu Server.

Switch to the root user:

sudo -i

Install package:

apt-get install isc-dhcp-server
ln -s /usr/abills/Abills/modules/Dhcphosts/ /usr/abills/libexec/


/usr/abills/libexec/ -d LEASES=/var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases

Change owner of a file:

chown www-data /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf

Open the in the Editor:

nano /usr/abills/libexec/

Add options:

$conf{DHCPHOSTS_RECONFIGURE}='/usr/bin/sudo /etc/init.d/isc-dhcp-server restart';

Open in the Editor:

nano /etc/sudoers

Add the string making the ability to run a service system:

www-data   ALL = NOPASSWD: /etc/init.d/isc-dhcp-server

Go to the Abills Web interface, open the menu "settings"-"IP (DHCP)"-"Network IP (DHCP) Network", add the network if needed, then "Show, reconfigure the dhcp" and "Reconfigure".

See if the isc-dhcp-server command:

/etc/init.d/isc-dhcp-server status

Logs are written to the file/var/log/syslog

You can also configure the export of DHCP history to see it in the “Report” – “DHCP History” menu.
To do this, make a link:

ln -s /usr/abills/Abills/modules/Dhcphosts/ /usr/abills/libexec/

Separating DHCP logs into a separate file as I wrote in the article below and adding to the Startup script with the command:

tail -F /var/log/dhcpd.log | /usr/abills/libexec/

See also my articles:
Installing and configuring a dhcp server, isc-in Ubuntu
Packet capturing with tcpdump