D-Link DSL-2640NRU firmware upgrade

On the test, I will update the firmware of the D-Link DSL-2640NRU modem from version 1.0.0 to 1.0.32.

I will describe the necessary steps in steps:

1) Let’s look at the revision on the sticker under the modem and download the new firmware for it from the official site http://www.dlink.ru/ru/products/3/664.html
A modem firmware not under that revision may break it.

2) Open the settings by typing in the browser the address of the modem, for example or and enter the login/password (by default admin/admin).

3) In the opened interface, open “System” – “Software Update”. On the page that opens, click “Browse” and select the previously downloaded firmware file, then click “Update” to start the update process.

Wait until the update is complete, usually 2-5 minutes. At the end, the device will reboot.


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