How to remove date and author from WordPress posts?

There are several ways to disable the display of the date or the author on the recording page.
Before starting any changes, I recommend backing up the data.

The first way:
In the page files, namely, the main page (index.php), the pages of individual entries (single.php), just the pages (page.php) you need to find and delete the parameters for the_author and the_time.
They look something like this (delete only them, not the whole line!):

<?php the_author (); ?>
<?php the_time('F jS, Y'); ?>

The second way:
Edit the _posted_on function in the functions.php file, which usually deletes data in brackets like “Published”, “Author”.

The third way:
Set a theme in the settings of which you can turn off the display date and author of the entry.

Fourth way:
Install a plugin that will disable the display of the date and author of the entry.

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  1. As for the date, it’s fine to set the page update visible only. Remove the date if you are writing about things that don’t age. For example, a soup recipe, or how to paint windows, etc. Google knows perfectly well when a given entry appeared in its search engine.