TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol) It is mainly used for initial loading of diskless workstations. TFTP, unlike FTP, does not contain authentication capabilities (although it is possible to filter on the IP address) and is based on the transport protocol UDP.
atftpd server
atftp client
sudo apt-get install atftpd atftp
The server uses the port: 69/udp
The default directory is /srv/tftp if it does not exist, create:
sudo mkdir -p /srv/tftp
sudo chown nobody /srv/tftp
To start automatically, you need to comment out (put # at the beginning of the line) the start line in /etc/inetd.conf:
#tftp dgram udp4 wait nobody /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/sbin/in.tftpd –tftpd-timeout 300 –retry-timeout 5 –mcast-port 1758 –mcast-addr –mcast-ttl 1 –maxthread 100 –verbose=5 /srv/tftpd
And change the value of the variable USE_INETD in the file /etc/default/atftpd from true to false.
This can be done in any editor, for example using nano:
sudo nano /etc/default/atftpd
(in the editor the key combination Ctrl+O is used to save the changes, and Ctrl+X to exit).
To apply the changes and run atftpd, run the following command:
sudo /etc/init.d/atftpd restart
Done, TFTP server should work, accept and return files from the /srv/tftp directory.
See also my articles:
IPTables rules for TFTP
Starting a TFTP server in Windows
Configuring DHCP + TFTP for DOCSIS
Install and configure tftpd-hpa