Installing and Configuring Bacula

Bacula – a set of client-server programs for managing backups.
It consists of the components of Director Daemon (DD), Storage Daemon (SD), File Daemon (FD) and Bacula Console (BC).

To install in Ubuntu/Debian, perform:

sudo apt-get install bacula

During the installation process, the MySQL user’s root password will be requested and a database created, and Postfix installed.

Create directories and set permissions:

sudo mkdir -p /bacula/backup /bacula/restore
sudo chown -R bacula:bacula /bacula
sudo chmod -R 700 /bacula

Open the configuration file DD, for example, in the text editor nano:

sudo nano /etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf

Let’s find “Standard Restore template” and there where “Where” we change the path:

Job {
Name = "RestoreFiles"
Type = Restore
FileSet="Full Set"
Storage = File
Pool = Default
Messages = Standard
Where = /bacula/restore

Further we find “List of files to be backed up” and a little bit lower where “File =” we specify that it is necessary to copy in a backup copy.

Unnecessary directories can be deleted by adding for example:

Exclude {
File = /bacula
File = /proc
File = /tmp

Open the configuration file SD:

sudo nano /etc/bacula/bacula-sd.conf

Let’s find “Devices supported by this Storage daemon” and specify in “Archive Device =” where to store backup copies, for example:

Archive Device = /bacula/backup

We test the correctness of the configuration:

sudo bacula-dir -tc /etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf
sudo bacula-sd -tc /etc/bacula/bacula-sd.conf

If the command did not say anything, then everything is fine and there are no errors.

Restart bacula services to apply configuration changes:

sudo service bacula-sd restart
sudo service bacula-director restart

Let’s check if all three services are running:

netstat -nlpt | grep [b]acula

Open the console bacula:

sudo bconsole

Check status:


We type the command:


and specify the name of the backup, then specify 2 that this file.

Run our configured backup process (select 1 and yes):


View successful completion messages:


Leave the console bacula:


A backup file should appear in the /bacula/backup directory.

See also:
How to install Bacula-web

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