Installing and using Duplicity

In this article, I will provide an example of how to install and use Duplicity. Creation of full and incremental backups to local and remote servers.

Install command in Ubuntu:

apt update
apt install duplicity
duplicity -V

We will also install the necessary components (for example, python-paramiko is required for scp connections, ncftp for ftp connections):

apt install python-paramiko ncftp

Here’s an example of backing up to a file on a local server and restoring to another directory:

duplicity --no-encryption /home/test file:/home/backup_test
duplicity restore --no-encryption file:/home/backup_test /home/restore

You can check the integrity of the backup after creating it:

duplicity verify --no-encryption file:/home/backup_test /home/test

On first startup, duplicity performs a full backup, and on subsequent runs, an incremental backup to force a full backup:

duplicity full --no-encryption /home/test file:/home/backup_test

Backup to another server via SCP (SSH):

duplicity --no-encryption /home/test scp://

Connect to SSH using the keys

You can exclude directories from backup:

duplicity full --no-encryption --exclude /home/test/dir1 -exclude /home/test/dir2 /home/test scp://

Restoring a directory from a backup copy, by default the existing directory is not overwritten, so you can restore it to a separate directory:

duplicity restore --no-encryption scp:// /home/test_restore

Or into an existing one but specifying –force:

duplicity restore --force --no-encryption scp:// /home/test

You can check by counting the number of files:

find  /home/test_restore/ -type f  | wc -l
find /home/test/ -type f  | wc -l

Use the –force option with caution, as if the path is specified incorrectly, important directories may be erased.

An example of restoring only one file from a backup copy (specifying the file name in the path for saving is required! If you simply indicate that you need to restore the file to the /home/test directory, then this directory will be deleted and there will be a file named test instead):

duplicity restore --no-encryption --file-to-restore scp:// /home/test/

Restore a file 5 days ago (and check the differences if it’s a text file):

mkdir /duplicity/
duplicity restore -t 5D --no-encryption --file-to-restore scp:// /duplicity/
diff /home/test/backups/ /duplicity/

You can also specify s for seconds, m for minutes, h for hours, D for days, W for weeks, M for months, Y for years.

Backing up to a directory on an FTP server:

FTP_PASSWORD=password duplicity /home/test

An example of creating a backup copy of the /etc/ directory to a remote server via sftp:

duplicity /etc/ s

If you need to encrypt/decrypt data, then we generate GPG keys:

gpg --gen-key

Let’s see the public key and use it:

gpg --list-keys
duplicity --encrypt-key="01A323FB259A9C482C41B1532A5F7D757D16180F" /home/test scp://

An example of viewing information about backups:

duplicity collection-status file:/home/backup_test

View the list of files in the backup:

duplicity list-current-files file:/home/backup_test

To force deletion of backups older than 30 days:

duplicity remove-older-than 30D --force file:/home/backup_test

See also my articles:
Installing and Configuring fsbackup
Installing and using rsync on Linux
My other articles on the topic of Backup

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