Installing Huawei iManager U2000 NMS on Windows Server

I will describe the procedure for installing the Huawei iManager U2000 NMS server software on a Windows Server:

1) Run on behalf of the administrator file install.bat

2) Copyright. We read and agree with the license agreement by selecting “I accept the terms”.

3) Select Language. Choose a language.

4) Select Installation Type. Specify the path to the license file or uncheck to specify it later.

5) Configure Server. We specify where to install the server, at the top is the current IP address under which it will work.

6) Select Domain. We tick only the “Access domain”.

7) Configure Parameters. Specify “Default style”, then “Sequential mode”.

8) Configure Database. We specify the path where to store the data and set the standard passwords “Changeme_123“.

At the end of the installation process, we will refuse to restart.
Change the computer name to U2000SERVER

Launch U2000 Client
We will enter the admin username and password Changeme_123, after which you will be asked to change it.
After changing the password, specify the path to the license file.

Example SNMP parameters for OLT:

snmp-agent sys-info version v2c
snmp-agent community read public
snmp-agent community write private
snmp-agent target-host trap-hostname U2000SERVER address 10.11.x.x udp-port 162 trap-paramsname NMS
snmp-agent target-host trap-paramsname NMS v2c securityname NMS
snmp-agent trap enable standard

Open the Main Topology, then “File” – “Discovery” – “NE …”
In the Default SNMP Parameter, specify the default template in the SNMPv2 tab and click OK.
Use the Add button to specify the IP OLT and click Next, after which the OLT should be detected and added to the list.
Click on it with the right mouse button and select “Synchronize NE Configuration Data” so that the OLT configuration is loaded into the program.
In the future, if you need to save the OLT configuration, click on it with the right mouse button and select “Save Data Immediatelly”.

It will be possible to interfere with the Windows firewall, configure the SNMP Trap Service (UDP In) and other rules, or from the Windows command line allow all incoming connections for the OLT IP address:

netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Allow from" dir=in action=allow protocol=ANY remoteip=

In Performance Monitoring Management, you can monitor ONT (NE – Access – GPON ONT – GPON ONU) signals and CPU utilization, memory status and board temperature (NE – Access – Card – Board Health), after which you can view the change history in the form of graphs or tables.

In “Administration” – “NMS Security”, you can configure password requirements and add regular operators that can add ONT.

In Administration> Settings> Local xFTP Settings, you can change the password for the FTP server, standard ftpuser. By FTP, you can access all the data on drive C.

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