Updating phpBB 3.1.8 to phpBB 3.1.9

Today has updated the phpBB 3.1.8 forum to phpBB 3.1.9 with the automatic service pack.

Below I will describe the order of actions for the update:

1) Let’s make a backup copy of the files and the forum base.
In Linux, you can do this with commands:

sudo tar -cvjf backup_forum_files.tar.bz2 /var/www/forum/
mysqldump -u USER -h localhost -p BASE | gzip -c > backup_forum_base.sql.gz

2) Now you need to download the archive with the service pack “https://www.phpbb.com/downloads/#update”.

3) Unpack from the archive only install/ and vendor/ in the directory with the forum. If the install folder is located in the directory with the forum, it automatically turns off, that is, no one on it will not write and walk.
If the files were moved from the terminal, then the rights of the owner from which they moved could be set and the web server can not access them, so let’s specify the group and owner from which the web north is working:

sudo chown -R user:user /var/www/forum/install/
sudo chown -R user:user /var/www/forum/vendor/

4) Open the browser link to the forum by adding install to it, for example http://example.com/forum/install/.
Now it’s time to press Update and follow the instructions.

If you made changes in the code of some files and they are affected by the update, you will be informed about this and offered to choose which version of the files to leave, in my opinion it is better to put the new version from the update, and then make the changes after the update by comparing both files for example in Notepad++ with using the plugin Notepad++ Compare plugin which shows the differences in the code of files.

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