For example, I will configure the Huawei MA5608T.
Connect to the device with a console cable at a speed of 9600. Standard login: root, password: admin or admin123.
Let’s go into configuration mode:
Let’s see the current configuration:
display current-configuration
display current-configuration | include TEXT
Change the password for the root user:
terminal user password
Let’s create another user, since one administrator can log in as root, and under the new user 4 at the same time:
terminal user name
User Name(length<6,15>):ixnfocom
User Password(length<6,15>):
Confirm Password(length<6,15>):
User profile name(<=15 chars)[root]:
User's Level:3
1. Common User 2. Operator 3. Administrator:3
Permitted Reenter Number(0--4):4
User's Appended Info(<=30 chars):
Adding user successfully
Repeat this operation? (y/n)[n]:n
Specify the IP addresses from which it is allowed to connect to the device:
sysman ip-access ssh
sysman ip-access ssh
sysman firewall ssh enable
sysman ip-access telnet
sysman ip-access telnet
sysman firewall telnet enable
sysman ip-access snmp
sysman ip-access snmp
sysman firewall snmp enable
Configure SNMP and SNMP Traps:
display snmp-agent community read
display snmp-agent community write
snmp-agent community write IXNFO
snmp-agent community read IXNFO
snmp-agent sys-info contact IXNFO
snmp-agent sys-info location IXNFO
snmp-agent sys-info version v2c
snmp-agent target-host trap-hostname U2000SERVER address udp-port 162 trap-paramsname NMS
snmp-agent target-host trap-paramsname NMS v2C securityname NMS
snmp-agent trap enable standard
Configure NTP:
timezone GMT+ 02:00
time dst start 04-01 00:00:00 end 10-28 00:00:00 adjust 01:00
ntp-service unicast-server source-interface vlanif208
Let’s see which boards are installed:
display board 0
display board 0/0
display board 0/2
display board 0/4
display version
display patch all
display io-packetfile information
display temperature 0/0
display temperature 0/2
display cpu 0/0
display cpu 0/2
I have displayed:
display board 0
SlotID BoardName Status SubType0 SubType1 Online/Offline
0 H805GPBD Normal
2 H801MCUD Active_normal CPCA
4 H801MPWC Normal
By the way, the MCUD board has 4 ports of 1 Gb/s, and the MCUD1 board has 2 ports of 10 Gb/s and 2 ports of 1 Gb/s.
If no boards are added, then add:
board confirm 0/0
board confirm 0/4
If necessary, you can restart the GPON board as follows:
board reset 0/0
If not needed, then delete the standard IP address from the meth port:
interface meth0
undo ip address
Create a VLAN for management and assign an IP address:
vlan 208 smart
port vlan 208 0/2 0
interface vlanif 208
ip address
Specify the default gateway so that the IP address of the device is accessible from other networks:
ip route-static
Create a VLAN for users:
vlan 944 smart
port vlan 944 0/2 0
display vlan 944
Next, I created a 1Gb/s speed profile and profiles for single-port ONT and client VLANs:
display dba-profile all
dba-profile add profile-id 15 profile-name "dba-profile_15" type3 assure 1024
max 1000000
display ont-srvprofile gpon all
ont-srvprofile gpon profile-id 10 profile-name "vlan 944"
ont-port eth 1
port vlan eth 1 translation 944 user-vlan 944
display ont-lineprofile gpon all
ont-lineprofile gpon profile-id 10 profile-name "vlan 944"
tcont 4 dba-profile-id 15
gem add 1 eth tcont 4
gem mapping 1 0 vlan 944
Turn on loop protection:
ring check enable
ring check resume-interval 30
Enable ONT auto find:
I’ll give an example of adding the first ONT on the first GPON port (more precisely, zero, since the numbering starts at 0):
display ont autofind all
interface gpon 0/0
display ont autofind 0
ont add 0 0 sn-auth "414C434CF2A40000" omci ont-lineprofile-id 10 ont-srvprofile-id 10 desc ""
ont port native-vlan 0 0 eth 1 vlan 944 priority 0
service-port 1 vlan 944 gpon 0/0/0 ont 0 gemport 1 multi-service user-vlan 944
Example of viewing information about ONT:
display ont info 0 0
display ont optical-info 0 0
display ont version 0 0
display statistics ont-eth 0 0 ont-port 1
You can view the client’s MAC address by its service-port:
display mac-address service-port 1
If you need to remove ONT, then you need to start by removing its service-port:
undo service-port 1
interface gpon 0/0
ont delete 0 0
Save the configuration:
To find out which SFP module is in the PON port, for example C+ or C++, you can use the command:
interface gpon 0/0
display port state 0
If there are two control cards, then you can check the synchronization status:
display data sync state
You can check for an ONT with an erroneous configuration by:
display ont failed-configuration 0/0/0 all
Example of viewing information about emu:
interface emu 0
display fan environment info
display fan system parameter
emu add 1 H801esc 0 0 "GERM4815T"
display emu
display emu baudrate
interface emu 1
display esc system parameter
display esc environment info
See also my articles:
Configuring Huawei SmartAX MA5683T
Limiting access to management of Huawei MA5600
How to catch flood on Huawei MA5600
Create and manage users on the Huawei MA5683T
thanks for the valuable information.