For example, I will upgrade the commercial version of ABillS 0.78.16 to 0.81.28
It is better to do the update in the morning, since various problems may arise and you will have to contact the developers, who usually work from 9 am (Kyiv time).
First of all, I created a backup copy of the database through the menu “Settings” – “Others” – “Database archiving” and made for myself a separate copy of the billing files:
cp -rpf /usr/abills /usr/abills_old
Then I looked at the change logs and executed SQL queries through the menu in the billing “Settings” – “SQL Commander”.
Then I ran the update script:
cd /usr/abills/
In the new version it is like this:
cd /usr/abills/misc/
To force update all modules:
/usr/abills/misc/ -m -force
After that, it was required to maintain the login and password from the support system
If the billing was transferred to another server, then you also need to transfer the SSH key from the old server, for example, to the /root/.ssh/id_dsa file or take it from the developers, and add to the /root/.ssh/config file (so that the update script connects to the update server without entering a password):
User ixnfo
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_dsa
Also, if the billing has been transferred to another server, then you need to warn the developers to reset the binding, otherwise an error may occur after running the update script (noticed that this error can also occur if you just restart the server):
Attack detected
Registration failed
If during the script launch errors occurred and clients stopped opening with the error “Update license (…)”, it means the file /usr/abills/libexec/license.key was renamed to license.key.old, and the new one was not created, in In this case, manually rename it back.
If necessary, you can comment out heavy cron tasks at the time of the update.
If you need to upgrade to the beta version, then run the script like this:
./ -b dev
If you need to update only the license, then:
./ -dl
After the upgrade, the configuration file, contract and receipt templates were left untouched. Some modules, namely, in my case, paysys, maps, cablecat did not want to be updated by the script, so the developers had to be told to open up access to download them, when the script was run again, the modules were updated.
Even after the update, it is necessary to clear the browser cache, otherwise, for example, because of this, the clients menu did not open and the search did not work.
After the upgrade, I recommend checking the database:
cd /usr/abills/misc/db_check/
sudo ./
See also my article:
ABillS Help and Tips