It was necessary to monitor once at one of the stations with servers when power supply disappears. At the station, the UPS was installed, and there was a generator in front of them, which turned on automatically when there was no power supply, so there were cases when the generator could not start, and the UPS was discharged and everything turned off.

220V sensors took two at once, the first for a normal 220V network, and the second after the generator (before UPS), to know if it started up. I soldered the sensors through the DHS-44M connector, and since there are many contacts, I immediately soldered both the smoke sensor (SPD-KADET) and the T811 temperature sensor.
The smoke sensor had two wires, I soldered black to 33 (TOK) contact, and white to 35 (GND) or vice versa, I do not remember which one of them + I looked in the documentation for the sensor. Also, on the sensor itself between the contacts, two 10 kΩ resistors were soldered, but as it turned out there were not many of them and I soldered another 10 kΩ resistor there.
In the working standby state, the sensor LED should periodically flash, to check for smoke, you can insert a piece of exposed wire into the hole in the center of the sensor, after which the LED should turn on constantly, to reset, turn off and turn on the power supply UniPing v3.
Thermal sensor T811 soldered to: 31 – yellow, 32 – green, 23 – red, 30 (GND) – black.
220V sensors can be connected to any IO line, and be sure to apply 5V to each line of the sensor using a 4.7 kOhm resistor from any of the contacts 29, 17, or 23. Also the IO line must be configured for input.
Any first sensor contact must be soldered to the IO line, and the second to GND.
GND is generally on pins 18, 24, 30, 35, 40. I noticed that if GND is disconnected from one of the sensors, then 1 is constantly displayed in the UniPing v3 interface, as if the sensor is turned on in 220.
To collect data on SNMP, I used Zabbix and created a new template for UniPing v3.
I specified the data element for the first IO line with such OID ., if in response 1 – then there is a power supply on the sensor, if 0 – no. Well, the trigger with the expression:
If it is 0, then the trigger will work and a message will come to the email, and also I wrote a script that will call Asterisk to the mobile phone.
For an example, see my article:
Zabbix notifications by phone via Asterisk
For the smoke detector, I used the OID . (if 0 means Normal), you can also watch “Current in the Loop, mA” by OID . (if the value is not 2, then the problem is).
Other SNMP OID for UniPing can be seen in my article:
Configuring and using NetPing / UniPing devices