Adding ONT ZTE F660 on Huawei SmartAX MA5683T

First of all, configure ONT. We will connect to it through any of the LAN ports, in the browser we will type the address and enter the login and password.
The standard login is admin, the password is admin.
With elevated privileges, login is mgts, password is mtsoao.
The most basic thing is to create a WAN connection with the necessary parameters, in which we indicate the VLAN number, I will use 228.

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How to downgrade PHP

Using an example, I will downgrade PHP in Ubuntu 18.04, in which version 7.2 is installed by default. I do not recommend downgrading PHP, since newer versions are more productive and close vulnerabilities, but there are times when you need to run an old script or engine that does not work on newer versions of PHP, and it is very difficult to fix the code due to the fact that there are a lot of files.

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