How to remove W3 Total Cache plugin from WordPress

To uninstall W3 Total Cache from WordPress, you need:

1) In the plugin menu, click the cache clear button.

2) Deactivate the plugin in the plugins menu and click “Delete”

3) In the root directory of the site, at the beginning of the wp-config.php file, if left, delete the lines:

/** Enable W3 Total Cache Edge Mode */
define('W3TC_EDGE_MODE', true); // Added by W3 Total Cache

/** Enable W3 Total Cache */
define('WP_CACHE', true); // Added by W3 Total Cache

4) As I noticed after the plug-in there are a lot of files, and on large sites there can be millions of files with cached data.
In the wp-content directory, delete the files, if any, advanced-cache.php, object-cache.php, w3tc-config and cache (here cached data).
