How to cancel the application download in the App Store on a MacBook

Today, in the App Store on the MacBook, I clicked on the download button for one large application, then changed my mind, and the cancel button is not displayed normally, there is only a pause.

To cancel, you need to open the “Purchase” tab in the App Store and press the “Alt” key on the keyboard, then the “Cancel” clicking on which you can cancel the download.


See also the video:

Solving the hang problem in Outlast on MacOS

I noticed once that the game downloaded via Steam Outlast after the successful launch and the loser of the introductory video hangs.

As it turned out, a bug in Russification and judging by everything for a long time, that is, with every appearance of captions in Russian, there is a hangup when it is not known to correct it.

To solve a problem it is possible switching in the settings of the game itself the language for example in English, after that there should be no freezes.

In the case of a black screen at startup, you can wait a bit, then try to minimize Outlast by pressing Command+Tab and turn it back.

Solving the error in Zabbix “snmp_parse_oid(): cannot parse OID “MIB””

I noticed once on the new system after importing Zabbix templates that not all data elements work successfully.

And the error is displayed:

snmp_parse_oid(): cannot parse OID “MIB”

As it turned out, the data elements have MIBs instead of OIDs that are not in the system.
For example, the MIB for incoming traffic on the first interface will be ifInOctets.1, and OID
Here in more detail you can see examples SNMP OID and MIB for interfaces
Therefore, the solution to this error will be either editing all the elements of the template, we will change the MIB to OID, or the option is easier – to install MIBs that are not in the system, if these are standard MIBs, then they can be installed as I described in this article – Installing MIB in Ubuntu and Solving the Error “SNMP Cannot Find Module …”

In the end, we will necessarily restart snmpd and zabbix-server:

sudo service snmpd restart
sudo service zabbix-server restart


NewActive.exe plug-in for Partizan cameras

I noticed once that the web interface of Partizan IP cameras does not open.
When you log in through Internet Explorer, it’s very rare to see the “Download” link for downloading the plug-in/driver, even if the ActiveX controls and everything else are enabled in the browser settings.
So I posted it so it was easier to download and install it beforehand.

Continue reading “NewActive.exe plug-in for Partizan cameras”

Manual “Basic configuration commands BDCOM P3310B”

Format: PDF
Size: ~ 2 MB
Language: English
Download manual “Basic configuration commands BDCOM P3310B”

Format: PDF
Size: ~ 1 MB
Language: Russian
Download Quick Setup Guide for BDCOM P3310B

See also my article – Configuring BDCOM P3310B-2AC EPON