Shredding data with Shred

Shred – allows you to overwrite the specified file with random data in order to ensure, if necessary, the more difficult process of recovery or the impossibility of data recovery.
On some file systems, data deletion is not guaranteed and the use of shred may not be effective.

The list of possible arguments:
Help program:

man shred

Continue reading “Shredding data with Shred”

Using wipe in Linux

wipe – utility for secure full erasing of information.

Install command in Linux Ubuntu/Debian:

sudo apt-get install wipe

I will describe some startup keys:
-f Disable confirmation requests.
-r Recursively Removes all subdirectories, symbolic links are not touched.
-c If the rights of the directory are read-only, then they will be changed to write.
-i Detailed information mode.
-s Quiet mode, most messages are not displayed.
-q Fast mode, directories are overwritten with random data 4 times.
-Q The number of rewrite cycles. Standard 4.
-a Stop execution on error.
-R Install a random device.
-l Specify the size of the device block, for example when using floppy disks, etc.
-D Follow symbolic links, they don’t get touched by default.
-v Displays the version of the program.
-h Display help.

Continue reading “Using wipe in Linux”

Install phpMyAdmin

phpMyAdmin is a web application written in PHP that allows you to administer MySQL databases through a browser.

The easiest way to install phpMyAdmin is to download the archive with the latest version from the official website and unpack it into the desired www directory, then you can open http://HOST/phpmyadmin/setup/ in the browser and follow the instructions. After that, move the file to the phpmyadmin root directory and close access to /setup/ or delete it altogether.
Continue reading “Install phpMyAdmin”

Set up WatchDog by ABillS

In the ABillS billing system, you can configure the status check of any running programs, and configure automatic launch if any of them are not running.

For example, for tracking FreeRadius, you need to run the command:

/usr/abills/libexec/billd check_programs PROGRAMS="radiusd:/etc/init.d/radiusd start"

Where “radiusd” is the name of the program in the processes, and “/etc/init.d/radiusd start” the command to start it.

Continue reading “Set up WatchDog by ABillS”

Install and configure Sphinx in Ubuntu

Sphinx – search engine with integration of API and MySQL databases, PostgreSQL.

Installation command:

sudo apt-get install sphinxsearch

After installation, tcp ports 9312 and 9306 are used.

Install the MySQL database server:

sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client

Create a test database:

mysql -u root -p
SOURCE /etc/sphinxsearch/example.sql;

Make a copy of the sample configuration file:

sudo cp /etc/sphinxsearch/sphinx.conf.sample /etc/sphinxsearch/sphinx.conf

Fill in the required parameters including data for connecting to the database.
An example of opening a configuration file in the nano editor (Ctrl+X to exit and y/n to save or discard changes):

sudo nano /etc/sphinxsearch/sphinx.conf

Activate sphinxsearch by specifying START=yes in the following file:

sudo nano /etc/default/sphinxsearch

Run sphinxsearch:

sudo service sphinxsearch start

Adding data to the index:

sudo indexer --all

An example of adding to cron:

sudo crontab -e
@hourly /usr/bin/indexer --rotate --config /etc/sphinxsearch/sphinx.conf --all

Command line search example:

search TEXT

Asterisk compile error solution “‘pjsip_tcp_transport_cfg’ has no member named ‘sockopt_params’”

Once I compiled Asterisk version 13.13.1 and when running make I noticed the following error:

‘pjsip_tcp_transport_cfg’ has no member named ‘sockopt_params’

pjproject-2.2.1 has already been compiled.

Solved the problem by compiling a newer version of pjproject-2.4.5

cd /usr/src
tar -xjvf pjproject-2.4.5.tar.bz2
cd pjproject-2.4.5
CFLAGS='-DPJ_HAS_IPV6=1' ./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-shared --disable-sound --disable-resample --disable-video --disable-opencore-amr
make dep
make install

After that, the error disappeared.

Hidden files and directories in Ubuntu

Method 1
Put a dot at the beginning of the file or directory name.

Method 2
Create a .hidden file, place in a directory in which you need to hide something and write in it a column of the names of files or folders that should be hidden. The case of letters has a meaning, that is, if the name of an element is from a capital letter, then write it in the .hidden file in the same way.

To see the hidden items through the Nautilus file manager, you must press the key combination Ctrl+H or in the “View” menu click “Show hidden files”.

Ufw setup in Ubuntu

ufw stands for Uncomplicated Firewall.

If ufw is not installed in the system, then install it with the command:

sudo aptitude install ufw

The command activates ufw in the system, it will also be included every time the system starts:

sudo ufw enable

If ufw does not start after restarting the system, then edit ENABLED=no to ENABLED=yes in the file:

sudo nano /etc/ufw/ufw.conf

To disable is used:

sudo ufw disable

Deny all incoming connections:

sudo ufw default deny

To allow access for a subnet or address:

sudo ufw allow from

To re-enable all incoming connections:

sudo ufw default allow

Permit SSH connection from outside:

sudo ufw allow ssh

An example of allowing access to a specific port:

sudo ufw allow 80/tcp

View status:

sudo ufw status
sudo ufw status verbose

Disable logging:

sudo ufw logging off

View profiles for applications:

sudo ufw app list

The configuration files are in /etc/default/ufw and /etc/ufw/applications.d

View official documentation:

man ufw

See also my article – Configure IPTables

Installing and configuring Tiny Tiny RSS in Ubuntu

Tiny Tiny RSS – aggregator of RSS feeds, which can be viewed in a single personal web-interface.

To get started, download the latest Tiny Tiny RSS version by running the command:

git clone tt-rss

Install the web server and MySQL server if they are not installed:

sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 mysql-server mysql-client

Create a database:

mysql -p -e "CREATE DATABASE `ttrssdb` CHARACTER SET utf8"

The previously downloaded directory from Tiny Tiny RSS will be moved to the web server directory:

sudo mv ~/tt-rss/ /var/www/

Open the installation directory in the browser http://HOSTNAME/tt-rss/install/, and follow the instructions on the screen.

After installation, open the main page http://HOSTNAME/tt-rss/ and enter the name: admin, password: password.

To update the RSS, add the following line to /etc/crontab:

*/30 * * * * /usr/bin/php /var/www/tt-rss/update.php --feeds --quiet

Alternatively, in the configuration file config.php, we change the parameter SIMPLE_UPDATE_MODE from false to true, and the RSS feeds will be updated when the web interface is opened.

In the settings it is desirable to change the administrator password.