How to add a blank line after each line in Notepad++

Once I wrote configurations for Huawei OLT, for example, transferring ONU from one port to another, in order to then insert ready-made commands into the device console, so the empty line after the command served as the Enter button, so I used Notepad++ to add empty lines after each command.

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How I moved the Windows bootloader to another drive

I once noticed on one computer that if you disconnect drive D, Windows 10 does not start; as it turned out, during the installation of Windows, the bootloader was not installed on drive C. Therefore, I connected drive D back to the computer, started Windows and wrote the bootloader to the disk C.

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Solution: This computer already has a more recent version of Google Chrome

Once I encountered such a situation when Google Chrome was installed on the computer with a bad auto-installation script, later it was updated (due to which two Google Chromes were displayed in the list of installed programs), and even later it started to work very poorly. Clearing the cache did not help and Google Chrome was removed, but since it was not installed correctly, it was not completely removed, two Google Chromes remained in the list of installed programs, when Google Chrome was removed again, it simply disappeared from the list. When trying to install a new Google Chrome, an error was displayed:

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How to prevent Windows 10 from updating the driver

Once in one organization, old cash registers were used that were connected via COM port emulators and after automatic Windows updates, a new version of the COM port emulator driver was installed, after which it was displayed with an exclamation mark and stopped working, so it was necessary to prohibit the driver update.
Windows Pro and Enterprise have the ability to block driver updates through the Group Policy Editor (gpedit.msc). In this article I will show you how to do this.

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