GoAccess is launched from the command line and can collect information for analysis from the log files of HTTP servers, for example apache2, nginx.
Run the installation command:
sudo apt-get install goaccess
Launch Example:
goaccess -f /var/log/apache2/access.log
Example of parsing all logs:
zcat -f /var/log/apache2/*access.log | goaccess
zcat -f /var/log/apache2/*access.log* | goaccess
Help can be seen by running the command:
man goaccess
Possible startup options:
-f (specify file for analysis)
-c (date and format setting)
-e (IP address exclusion)
-a (inclusion of the User-Agents list for the selected host)
-r (disable IP address translation)
The “q” key is used to exit, “o” for a detailed view.