Connecting SFP-RJ45 Modules to the Cisco 6500

It took a couple of days ago to the Cisco Catalyst 6509-E in which there were modules only with SFP ports to connect a few links with RJ45.

Since RJ45 links are small, it was more economical to use SFP-RJ45 modules, so they were ordered.
I connected them to the ports WS-X6724-SFP, but nothing was displayed in the logs.

Let’s write commands so that Cisco does not disable ports when inserting unsupported modules:

service unsupported-transceiver
no errdisable detect cause sfp-config-mismatch
no errdisable detect cause gbic-invalid

I note that the ports WS-X6724-SFP in my case work only at 1Gb speed, so the link will not naturally rise to 100Mb or 10MB, although the Foxgate SFP-RJ45 modules that we had and support 10/100/1000.

In confirmation of this I checked the commands:

configure t
interface gigabitEthernet 1/1
speed ?

What was the opportunity to specify the speed of the port only in 1000.

See also:
Configure Cisco Catalyst 6509-E

How to create a MySQL user and configure access rights

To create a user, we first connect to the MySQL server console:


Let’s see what users are:

select * from mysql.user;
select user,host from mysql.user;

Create a user (where localhost is specified from where the user can connect, you can specify the IP address, localhost – from the local machine where the MySQL server itself, or % from any addresses):

CREATE USER 'user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';

If you intend to connect not only locally, you need to comment out the line in my.cnf:

#bind-address =

And restart the MySQL server:

sudo service mysql restart

After that, I recommend restricting access to MySQL using IPTables.
See also – Configuring IPTables

To assign the newly created user unlimited permissions to a specific database, execute the following command:

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON database_name.* TO 'user'@'localhost';

If necessary on all bases:

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'user'@'localhost';

You can specify specific access rights:

GRANT SELECT ON database_name.* TO 'user'@'localhost';
GRANT SELECT, INSERT ON database_name.table_name TO user@;

If you want to create a new database:

CREATE DATABASE database_name;

For the changes to take effect, execute:


You can delete the user as follows:

DROP USER 'user'@'localhost';

Example of viewing privileges:

SHOW GRANTS FOR 'user'@'localhost';
SELECT * FROM information_schema.user_privileges;

Installing system-config-samba

system-config-samba – a simple application for configuring samba with a graphical interface.

Installing by the command:

sudo apt-get install system-config-samba


sudo system-config-samba

Allows you to add shared folders, samba users, assign permissions to folders, etc., all changes are saved to samba configuration files.

See also:
Installing and Configuring Samba on Linux

How to delete an invalid phone and email from Privat24

There were somehow many invalid phone numbers and email addresses in Privat24, I wanted to delete them, the tick “Actual” was naturally removed.

After communicating with technical support, I was informed that you can delete the email yourself by sending an SMS with the text OFF + to number 10060, where is the address of the current mail (when abroad, SMS should be sent to +380920003700).

And the operator of technical support made an application for removing phone numbers on their own and after a while they disappeared from the settings of the account.

Configure the PTR record on the DNS server

It was necessary to somehow configure the Reverse DNS zone for the mail server, since some servers did not want to receive mail from it.

Let’s assume our domain located on the IP address, and – the server of the Internet provider.

You can check from Windows with commands (where for example is the address of our mail server, and DNS on which the request is sent):


In response, the first command will be, and in response the second one is nothing (it should be, since the PTR record is not configured in DNS.

From Linux, you can check:

dig -x

At the registrar of domain names in DNS we will add the NS-server of the Internet provider

On the provider’s server (on the test I use Bind9 on Ubuntu Server), open the DNS configuration file for example in the nano editor (CTRL+X for exit, y/x and Enter for saving or canceling changes):

sudo nano /etc/bind/named.conf

And add the following lines:

zone "" {
type master;
file "/etc/bind/";

The first line indicates which zone we will manage, the second type – the main one (this DNS will manage it), the third one – in which file the configuration for this zone will be registered.

Open a new file for zone settings:

sudo nano /etc/bind/

And add to it:

$TTL 3600
@          IN SOA (
              2016112301       ; Serial
              21600             ; refresh
              3600              ; retry
              3600000           ; expire
              86400 )           ; minimum

        IN  NS
        IN  NS

100      IN PTR – the contact address of the person responsible for the zone, the @ symbol is not indicated.
Serial – this is the serial number of the zone file version, it should change to the big side with each change, it is usually written in the form of the year month the number is the number of the change, according to it other DNS determine that it is necessary to update the information.
Refresh – the time interval in seconds through which the secondary server will check whether the information needs to be updated.
Retry – the time interval in seconds through which the secondary server will retry calls on failure.
Expire – the time interval in seconds through which the secondary server will consider the information it has obsolete.
Minimum – the interval of information lifetime on caching servers. and this is the DNS of this domain.
The number 100 in the last line means the end of IP address 192.168.1, similarly you can specify entries for other domains, for example 101 IN PTR … for, etc.

Restart the DNS server to apply the changes.
Bind9 can be commanded by:

sudo /etc/init.d/bind9 restart


See also:
Configuring Reverse DNS (PTR) in Hetzner