NetData installation

NetData – monitoring system that displays real-time statistics on web panels.

On the test, I will install NetData on Ubuntu 18.04 and Ubuntu 16.04.
Before installing, you can upgrade the system:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

If Ubuntu version is 18.04 and newer, then NetData is installed with the command:

sudo apt-get install netdata

After installation, the configuration will be in /etc/netdata/, the logs in /var/log/netdata/.

On Ubuntu 16.04 and older, you can install as follows (the installation will be done in /opt/netdata/):

sudo bash <(curl -Ss

Restart NetData can command:

sudo systemctl restart netdata

View status:

sudo systemctl status netdata
sudo ps ax | grep netdata

After installing NetData, you can immediately open it in the browser http://HOST:19999
I recommend to immediately restrict access to the tcp port 19999, for example through iptables.

Install Apache JMeter in Ubuntu

Apache JMeter — load testing tool.

For Apache JMeter you need to install Java, see my article – Installing Java on Linux.

For an example I’ll install Apache JMeter in Ubuntu Desktop 18.04.

After Java is installed, copy the link to the archive with the latest version of Apache JMeter from the official site and download it:


Extract the archive:

tar -xf apache-jmeter-4.0.tgz


cd apache-jmeter-4.0/bin/

After the startup, a message was displayed that you can create tests in the Apache JMeter graphical mode, and you can execute them only from the terminal, for example:

jmeter -n -t [jmx file] -l [results file] -e -o [Path to web report folder]

By the way, Apache JMeter in Windows is run through the jmeter.bat file.

Installing and using ioping

ioping – a simple tool for monitoring disk I/O delays in real time, similar to ping showing network latency.

You can install in Ubuntu / Debian using the command:

sudo apt-get install ioping

Here is an example of a run with 10 requests for a delay test to the / tmp directory:

ioping -c 10 /tmp

An example of a query with an interval of 0.2ms and an increased query size:

ioping -i 0.2 -c 10 -s 1M -S 5M /tmp

Test to disk:

ioping -R /dev/sda
ioping -RL /dev/sda

I’ll describe the possible startup options:
-c count (stop after the specified number of requests)
-w deadline (stop after the specified amount of time)
-p period (display raw statistics after each specified number of requests)
-P period (display raw statistics after each specified number of seconds)
-i interval (the interval between requests in seconds)
-s size (request size (4k))
-S size (size of the working set)
-k (after the command is finished, leave (do not delete) the working file ioping.tmp)
-L (sequential operations instead of random ones, this will also set the query size to 256k (like -s 256k))
-A (asynchronous I/O)
-C (cached I/O)
-D (straight I/O)
-B (do not display execution information, it will only appear when the command is finished in raw format)
-q (do not display execution information, it will be displayed only when the command completes)
-h (display help)
-v (view version)