Script backup configuration DOCSIS ARRIS Cadant C3 CMTS

Actually, this is my script:

# Backup DOCSIS CADANTS config
sleep 5
echo "user"
sleep 5
echo "password"
sleep 5
echo "enable"
sleep 2
echo "password"
sleep 2
echo "copy startup-configuration tftp://"
sleep 5
echo "exit"
) | telnet
mv /srv/tftp/cadant1.xml /backups/devices/docsis/`date +%Y-%m-%d`_cadant1.xml

Where – cadant, – tftp server.

You can add the script to /etc/crontab for automatic execution (for example, every day at one in the morning):

0 1 * * * root /path/to/script/ > /dev/null 2>&1

How to convert a list of IP addresses to DNS names

In Linux, you can convert a list of IP addresses into DNS names, for example, by a simple script.

To do this, create an empty file with the extension .sh, make it executable and add the content to it:

while read ip traf ; do
    name=`host $ip|awk '{print $NF}'`
    echo -e "$name\t$ip\t$traf"
done >name_ip_traf.lst <ip_traf.lst

Where ip_traf.lst is a file with a list of IP addresses that need to be converted to DNS names.

You can make it executable by the command:

chmod +rwx

Run the script in the directory where it is located by the command:


Or run by specifying the full path:


After the startup, you must wait for a while or interrupt the execution by pressing CTRL+C.

Ip-up and ip-down scripts with ipset for Accel-ppp

I’ll give an example of the scripts I used before, in the allowip list IP addresses were added to which the Internet is allowed, and in denyip those were redirected to the http page with information about the negative deposit.

Continue reading “Ip-up and ip-down scripts with ipset for Accel-ppp”

The script for adding IP addresses from a file to ipset

It took one day to write a script to add to ipset all the IP for which the session was started on the access server, Abills billing was used, so I decided to take IP addresses from the MySQL billing table.

The first step is to create a test ipset:

ipset create test iphash

Continue reading “The script for adding IP addresses from a file to ipset”

The Asus router reboot script

On old router firmware Asus often noticed that the web interface is not fully open, not all the menus are displayed, so it can not be configured accordingly and can not be restarted if remote access is also available, since the reset button is not displayed.
So he took the Asus RT-N12E router, ran the Wireshark sniffer, opened the web interface of the router and pressed the reboot button.
In the intercepted packets, you could see that the Reboot.asp file is being rebooted in the root directory.

This resulted in a script for rebooting Asus routers:


# exit if router is down
ping -q -c 1 "$ROUTER_IP" > /dev/null || exit

curl --basic --user "$USERNAME:$PASSWORD" -A "Mozilla/4.73 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.2.15 i686)" --refer "http://$ROUTER_IP" "$ROUTER_IP/Reboot.asp"

The contents of the script will be placed in a new file, for example, using the nano editor (“CTRL+X” to exit and “y” to save the changes):


Let’s make it executable:

chmod 777

After this, we execute:


You can also manually open the link in the browser if you need to reboot the router once.

Executing a SQL query from a script in Linux

It was necessary recently to write a script that executes a sql query into the MySQL database.
Example content:

# Description, here I wrote for others that the script is added to the crontab, so that it is not moved
mysql -u USER -pPASSWORD -h -e "UPDATE nika_system.abon SET otkl=0 WHERE depozit > '10' AND (otkl='-1' OR otkl='-2');";

In order for the script to run automatically, open the crontab file in any text editor (in the nano editor CTRL+X for the output and y/n for saving or canceling the changes):

sudo nano /etc/crontab

Add the following line to it:

0 9 * * * root /home/nika/scripts/ > /dev/null 2>&1

Now every day at 9 am the script will be executed.

Here is an example of daily automatic output of data from a sql table into a text file:

mysql -u USER -pPASSWORD -h -s -N -e "SELECT id FROM nika_system.abon WHERE tarif=109;";

In /etc/crontab we add:

0 8 * * * root /scripts/ > /srv/samba/dir/mirazh/$(date +%Y-%m-%d).txt

For security reasons, it’s better not to specify the password in scripts, see my article – Connecting to MySQL from localhost without entering a password

Script to check for an empty directory

Recently noticed on one of his backup scripts that he stopped working and just created an empty directory with the current date, so there was an idea to add to it a check on an empty directory with a notification sent to the email.

Example of a script for checking for an empty directory, taking into account hidden files:

if [ `ls -a /backups/dir/ | grep -v "^\.$" | grep -v "^\..$" | wc -l` = "0" ]; then echo "Empty dir"; else echo "Non empty dir"; fi

Example of checking the directory with the name of the current date and if it is empty – by sending an email:

if [ `ls -a /backups/`date +%Y-%m-%d`/ | grep -v "^\.$" | grep -v "^\..$" | wc -l` = "0" ]; then (echo "Subject:Empty dir"; echo "Empty dir";) | sendmail; else echo "Non empty dir"; fi

Bash script to reboot network devices via telnet

I noticed that some cheap managed network equipment can start working incorrectly in a few days or weeks, so I had an idea to write a reboot script and add it to the cron.

Content of the script:

sleep 5
echo "admin"
sleep 5
echo "password"
sleep 5
echo "reboot"
sleep 5
echo "y"
sleep 5
echo "quit"
) | telnet

sleep 5 means a pause of 5 seconds after each command, this value is optimal for long thinking equipment. For example, for client switches D-Link DES-3200 pause can be completely removed or set 1.

See also:
Using and configuring CRON

Backup configuration of TP-Link switches

I wrote a script for backup configuration of TP-Link switches.
The script runs on Linux where the TFTP server is running, it is connected via telnet to the switch and the configuration command is sent to the specified TFTP, when the telnet connection is closed, the file is moved to the desired directory, and the last command deletes files longer than 30 days, as more of them I do not need to store.
You can also make a copy of all the files in the cloud every month.
As you can see, before entering a password in the script, you can not pause.

echo "PASSWORD";
echo "enable";
echo "PASSWORD";
echo "copy startup-config tftp ip-address filename tplink";
sleep 2;
echo "exit";
sleep 1;
echo "exit";
} | telnet

mv /srv/tftp/tplink.cfg /backups/devices/tplink/`date +%Y-%m-%d`_tplink.cfg
find /backups/devices/tplink/ -type f -mtime +30 -exec rm {} \;