On the test, I have OLT Huawei SmartAX MA5683T and EPS30-4815AF power supply.
Connect them with a regular twisted pair patchcord with RJ45 connectors.
From the OLT side, we connect the cable to the ESC port on the control board, and on the EPS30-4815AF to RS485.
After this, the OLT will be able to send commands to the EPS30-4815AF.

RS232 port is active by default, and RS485 is reserved, they cannot be used at the same time.
Open the OLT console and add EPS30-4815AF:
emu add 1 POWER4830L 0 0 4815AF
On the EPMU03 monitoring module, it is necessary to set the DIP switches correctly, for example, enable 1 and 2, turn off the rest (this will result in subnode id 3), 6 DIP determines the speed if 9600 bit/s is enabled, if 19200 bit/s is disabled. By default, only 6 DIPs are enabled, and the rest are disabled. 7 and 8 DIPs are reserved, they are always off.
If the required model is not in the list, you can choose a similar one, as I did, for example, instead of 4815AF I chose POWER4830L, at the end of the line 4815AF is just a note.
On the old version of MA5683T, it was impossible to specify the baud rate, by default it was 19200, so I turned off all DIP and the connection was successful.
Now let’s move on to managing added emu:
interface emu 1
Let’s look at the current parameters:
display power system parameter
display power environment parameter
Using the question mark “?” you can watch the available commands and subcommands.
The standard parameters were 100Ah.
With the next command, I changed the battery capacity to 26Ah and charge factor by 0.10 (as they were going to connect four batteries in series to 12V / 26Ah which were idle):
power battery parameter 0.10 60 1 26
We multiply the battery capacity by the charge factor and get the maximum charge current 26Ah*0.10=2.6A.
After the settings, we’ll exit the emu 1 interface settings and save the configuration:
I will show some commands with information:
display emu 1
EMU name : 4815AF
EMU type : Pwr4830L
Used or not : Used
EMU state : normal
Frame ID : 0
Subnode : 0
interface emu 1
display version
Software version : 1400
display power environment info
display power run info
EMU ID: 1 System run information
Limit State : No limit Charge control : Automatic control
Charge state : Floating
Load-off-permit : Forbid Battery-off-permit: Permit
Module number : 2
Module 0 address : 1 Module 0 type : 0
Module 1 address : 2 Module 1 type : 0
Module 2 address : No configured Module 2 type : No configured
Main voltage : 53.57V AC voltage : 219.99V
Module current : 6.75 A
display power alarm
EMU ID: 1 Power alarm information
Mains supply yes : Yes Mains supply lack : Normal
Total Vol lack : Normal
Load fuse 0 : Connect Second fuse : Connect
Load off : On Battery off : On
Module 0 : Normal
Module 1 : Normal
Module 2 : Normal
Door alarm : Alarm Water alarm : Normal
Fog alarm : Normal Wiring alarm : Normals
Environment Temperature : Normal Environment Humidity : Normal
Battery temperature off state : Normal Load temperature off state : Normal
Name State |Name State
Spare Dig0 Normal|Spare Dig1 Normal
Spare Dig2 Normal|Spare Dig3 Normal
Spare Dig4 Normal|Spare Dig5 Normal
Spare Dig6 Normal
Example for removing emu:
emu del 1
I will give another example of connecting EPS30-4815AF with MA5608T on the one hand, we will connect the standard ethernet pinout connector to the MCUD1 port CONSOLE/ESC, and on the other hand to the power supply in the RS232 port with the pinout as I showed in the table on the right:
1 (white-orange) | 7 (white-brown) |
2 (orange) | 8 (brown) |
3 (white-green) | – |
4 (blue) | 1 (white-orange) |
5 (white-blue) | 2 (orange) |
6 (green) | 4 (blue) |
7 (white-brown) | – |
8 (brown) | – |
Since the first 1 and 2 DIPs were enabled in the EPMU03 module, this turns out to be subnode 3, now we will execute the command on the OLT:
emu add 3 Power4830L 0 3 "EPS30-4815AF"
display emu 3
interface emu 3
display power system parameter
EMU ID: 3 Power system information
Charge control state: Automatic control
Equalizing voltage : 56.50V Floating voltage : 53.50V
Charge Lmt quotiety : 0.15 Equalizing time : 60 days
Battery number : 1 Battery 0 capacity : 65 AH
Batt_temp_test_upper: 80 C Batt_temp_test_lower : -20C
Batt_temp_Alam_upper: 50 C Batt_temp_Alam_lower : -15C
Temp redeem quotiety: 80mV
Batt temp Monitor : Enable
AC over alarm voltage : 280V AC lack alarm voltage : 180V
DC over alarm voltage : 58 V DC lack alarm voltage : 45 V
Power module number : 0
Load off permit : Forbid Load off voltage : 44.00V
Battery high-temperature-off permit : Permit
Battery high-temperature-off temperature: 53 C
Battery-lack-voltage-off-permit : Permit
Battery-lack-voltage-off voltage : 43.00V
Battery barcode : -
Since the batteries were 60Ah and not 65Ah, I changed:
power battery parameter 1 0.10 60 60
Also indicated the date of installation of the batteries:
power batteryinstall 2021-05-01
display power batteryinstalltime
Let’s save the configuration:
Usually if the speed is set correctly, the OLT itself can detect the EMU, add it and report it to the terminal (the default speed is 19200):
emu baudrate 9600
Autofind an EMU, FrameID: 0 EMUID: 1 Type:Pwr4830L
The EPS30-4815AF power supply has two independent rectifier modules GERM4815T, which is more reliable, for example, if the RUN indicator on one of them stops illuminating, the module must be replaced. In 2021, in China, GERM4815T was $36, EPS30-4815AF for 15A – $150, and for 30A – $180, + shipping and customs clearance. The MA5608T has an input current of 10A DC and 6A AC.
To apply the Floating/Equalizing voltage settings, you need to disconnect the communication cable so that the emu status becomes failed, and connect it, or restart the emu with the command:
Are you sure to reset this EMU?(y/n)[n]:y
See also my articles:
- Setting up ETP4830 A1 with Huawei OLT
- Configuring ETP48100-B1 with Huawei OLT
- SNMP MIB/OID for Huawei ETP4830
- Configuring Huawei SmartAX MA5683T via the console
- Connecting Lifepo4 battery to EPS30-4815AF
- Setting up ETP4860-B1A2 (SMU11B) with Lifepo4
Hey, here didn’t work. it shows the state “fault”
On the EPMU03 monitoring module, it is necessary to set the DIP switches correctly