In the Windows DNS cache, records of domain names with their IP addresses to which were accessed are stored. When a user opens a site for the first time, a DNS server is accessed; upon subsequent openings of a site, Windows already takes information from the cache. Therefore, if a new IP address has been assigned to a domain, then the system will access the old one for a while based on the data in the cache.
Continue reading “How to clear the DNS cache in Windows”Tag Archives: cmd
PING does not work on Windows
Once I noticed that when I try to execute the ping command, a message appears on the Windows command line:
“ping” is not recognized as an internal or external command operable program or batch file
Continue reading “PING does not work on Windows”View and configure sharing of files and folders Windows from the command line
I will give an example of some commands for setting up sharing of resources.
View shared resources:
net share
Deleting a shared resource:
net share <sharename> /delete
Sharing a folder:
net share sharename=C:\dir
Example of disconnecting users from the share:
net session \\pc1 /delete
To close an open network file, use the command:
net file file_id /close
An example of granting user rights to a file (N – not set, W – write, C – change, F – full access):
cacls file.txt /G User:w
To cancel user access to a share:
cacls /R User
We allow up to 5 users to simultaneously connect to a shared resource:
net share sharename /users:5
Example of caching settings from a share (manual/BranchCache/documents/programs/none):
net share myshare /cache:manual
I want to note that when opening a share to a resource in the firewall, the following ports should be opened: TCP 139, TCP 445, UDP 137, UDP 138.
See also my articles:
Installing and using the nbtscan network scanner
Some information about the virus encryptor Trojan.Encoder.12544 attacked 06/27/2017
Setting up a network in Windows via the command line
To begin, open the command line by clicking on the shortcut in the Start menu or typing the command “cmd” in the “Run” line.
Here is an example of viewing the current configuration:
netsh interface ip show config
View a list of network interfaces:
netsh interface ipv4 show interfaces
An example of configuring static parameters for an interface named Ethernet 2:
netsh interface ip set address name="Ethernet 2" static 1
Or so:
netsh interface ipv4 set address name="Ethernet 2" source=static address= mask= gateway= netsh interface ipv4 add dnsserver name="Local" address= index=1
Example of obtaining parameters for the Ethernet 2 interface by DHCP:
netsh interface ip set address name="Ethernet 2" dhcp
Example of obtaining the DNS parameters for the Ethernet 2 interface by DHCP:
netsh interface ip set dns "Ethernet 2" dhcp
Export the current configuration to a file:
netsh -c interface dump > d:cfg1.txt
Importing a configuration from a file:
netsh -f d:cfg1.txt
How to add a Windows user from the command line
It took one day to add a user to Windows 10 from the command line, because nothing happened when the add button was pressed from the control panel.
The first step is to start the command prompt as administrator, for this, in the start menu, type “cmd” or simply find the shortcut “Command line” and click on it with the right mouse button select “Run as administrator “.
At the command prompt, execute the add user command (where NAME is the user name):
net user NAME /add
Finish, the new user can already be seen in the “Control Panel\User Accounts\User Accounts\Account Management“