On the test I will update the firmware in BDCOM P3310C, firmware can be taken here:
Continue reading “Firmware Update BDCOM P3310”Author Archives: Vyacheslav
Change the default value in MySQL columns
I’ll give an example of specifying or changing the default value in the MySQL column.
Let’s see the list of tables in the database:
Let’s see the structure of the table we are interested in:
DESCRIBE internet_main;
Let’s say the activate column has the type date and the default value is 0000-00-00, and we want to make 3000-01-01, then we will execute sql query:
ALTER TABLE internet_main ALTER activate SET DEFAULT '3000-01-01';
You can also delete the default value:
ALTER TABLE internet_main ALTER activate DROP DEFAULT;
Or return it as it was:
ALTER TABLE internet_main ALTER activate SET DEFAULT '0000-00-00';
In strict mode MySQL can not set the value 0000-00-00, so you can temporarily disable the strict mode:
SET sql_mode = '';
How to enable or disable Proxy ARP on Linux
Let’s look at the status of Proxy ARP (1 – enabled, 0 – disabled):
Continue reading “How to enable or disable Proxy ARP on Linux”Install and configure accel-ppp (IPoE) for ABillS
On the test, I’ll run accel-ppp in Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS for ABillS.
Continue reading “Install and configure accel-ppp (IPoE) for ABillS”How to run MySQL server on specific IP
The appropriate solution I found for running MySQL server on specific IP addresses is to run it at all and then filter the connected clients through iptables.
For the test, I used Ubuntu Server 16.04.5 LTS, which had more than 200 external white IPs and was highly loaded.
Enable or disable Hibernate mode in Windows
I will give an example on Windows 10, on other versions it is essentially the same.
First, open the command line (cmd) on behalf of the administrator and see what modes are currently supported, and whether the Hibernate mode is supported:
Continue reading “Enable or disable Hibernate mode in Windows”
Ip-up and ip-down scripts with ipset for Accel-ppp
I’ll give an example of the scripts I used before, in the allowip list IP addresses were added to which the Internet is allowed, and in denyip those were redirected to the http page with information about the negative deposit.
Continue reading “Ip-up and ip-down scripts with ipset for Accel-ppp”The solution of 80070020 error on Nokia Lumia 530
I noticed once a mistake when installing the application on the Nokia Lumia 530 (RM-1017):
There is a problem completing your request.
Please try again later.
Error code: 80070020
The reason for the error was the wrong date and time, before this error on the phone the battery was removed and they dropped.
So I manually specified the date and time in “Settings” – “Date+Time”, after which the error no longer appeared.
ABillS + FreeRADIUS + Accel-PPP only issue one DNS
Once after installation ABillS + FreeRADIUS2 + Accel-PPP (ipoe) noticed that for DHCP clients receive only one DNS server.
Access-Accept from FreeRADIUS was this:
Sending Access-Accept of id 1 to port 57481
Session-Timeout = 604800
PPPD-Downstream-Speed-Limit = 51200
Framed-IP-Netmask +=
Framed-IP-Netmask +=
Acct-Interim-Interval = 600
DHCP-Domain-Name-Server +=
DHCP-Domain-Name-Server +=
PPPD-Upstream-Speed-Limit = 51200
Framed-IP-Address =
Finished request 40.
Configuring SSH session timeout
To configure the timeout for SSH sessions, let’s see where the SSH server configuration file is located:
sudo find / -name sshd_config
Open it in any text editor, for example nano:
sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config