Fn function keys on a laptop work the other way around

Usually, to extend the functionality, there is a special Fn key on laptop keyboards.
If you hold it and press keys, for example, from F1 to F12, then they will perform completely different functions, change the screen brightness, volume level, put the system into sleep mode, turn off/on the Wi-Fi adapter, etc.

But in my case, everything was the opposite, when I needed the F1-F12 keys, instead of them, functional ones worked, which usually work with the Fn clamped, and to press F4 for example, I had to clamp the Fn key as well.

As it turned out, the BIOS had an option Action Keys Mode (in Lenovo laptops – HotKey Mode), the default value of which was Enable, which resulted in the function keys working without pressing Fn.
To make the F1-F12 keys work as usual, set the value to Disable.

By the way, if your function keys do not work at all, then rather the driver is not installed in the system.

See also my article:
Why do Mac function keys work without fn and instead of F1-F12

Why do Mac function keys work without fn and instead of F1-F12

I noticed that on many laptops, including the MacBook, function keys (brightness level of the display, volume, etc.) can be used as standard without the fn (function) key. And the keys themselves from F1 to F12 have to be used with the fn key (it is located in the lower left corner of the keyboard).

So that the keys from F1 to F12 work as usual, and the functional only with the fn key – open “System settings” – “Keyboard“, then in the tab “Keyboard” select “Use the F1, F2 and other function keys as standard“.

Is done.

See also my article:
Fn function keys on a laptop work the other way around

Automatic installation ABillS

On the test, I install the ABillS billing system in Ubuntu Server 16.04 using an installer.
I note that the installer can install older versions of components such as Accel-ppp, so I recommend installing everything manually.
See also my article – Installing and configuring the billing system ABillS

Let’s start the automatic installation, download and unpack the archive with the installation script:

sudo apt-get install unzip wget
wget https://github.com/nabat/AInstall/archive/master.zip
unzip master.zip

Continue reading “Automatic installation ABillS”

Zabbix notifications by phone via Asterisk

One night at the station, the air conditioners turned off and the temperature started to rise, naturally, I received email notifications on the phone, but since it was night, I only saw them in the morning, so it was necessary for such an emergency to quickly make the possibility of phone call notifications.

Continue reading “Zabbix notifications by phone via Asterisk”

Shredding data with Shred

Shred – allows you to overwrite the specified file with random data in order to ensure, if necessary, the more difficult process of recovery or the impossibility of data recovery.
On some file systems, data deletion is not guaranteed and the use of shred may not be effective.

The list of possible arguments:
Help program:

man shred

Continue reading “Shredding data with Shred”

Using wipe in Linux

wipe – utility for secure full erasing of information.

Install command in Linux Ubuntu/Debian:

sudo apt-get install wipe

I will describe some startup keys:
-f Disable confirmation requests.
-r Recursively Removes all subdirectories, symbolic links are not touched.
-c If the rights of the directory are read-only, then they will be changed to write.
-i Detailed information mode.
-s Quiet mode, most messages are not displayed.
-q Fast mode, directories are overwritten with random data 4 times.
-Q The number of rewrite cycles. Standard 4.
-a Stop execution on error.
-R Install a random device.
-l Specify the size of the device block, for example when using floppy disks, etc.
-D Follow symbolic links, they don’t get touched by default.
-v Displays the version of the program.
-h Display help.

Continue reading “Using wipe in Linux”