Why in VirtualBox you cannot choose 64-bit versions

I noticed somehow on one installed VirtualBox that when adding a workstation, you can select the type of system only 32-bit.

To solve this problem, first of all you need to restart your computer and go into the BIOS when you turn it on (most often by pressing the DEL or F8 key), there you can activate the “Intel (R) Virtualization Technology” function (the name may differ slightly usually located in the Advanced section and the CPU), in my case it was turned off, and on many computers I noticed that it was disabled as standard.
To enable, change from Disable to Enable, save the settings and exit the BIOS (by selecting Save & Exit or similar).

After that, VirtualBox has the opportunity to choose the type of 64-bit systems.

It may also be necessary in the “Control Panel” to open the “Uninstall a program” button on the left “Enable or disable Windows components” and uncheck the “Hyper-V” box if it is installed.


Install phpMyAdmin

phpMyAdmin is a web application written in PHP that allows you to administer MySQL databases through a browser.

The easiest way to install phpMyAdmin is to download the archive with the latest version from the official website www.phpmyadmin.net and unpack it into the desired www directory, then you can open http://HOST/phpmyadmin/setup/ in the browser and follow the instructions. After that, move the config.inc.php file to the phpmyadmin root directory and close access to /setup/ or delete it altogether.
Continue reading “Install phpMyAdmin”

How to change the welcome screen image in Windows 7

To change the welcome screen image in Windows 7, you must:

1) Open the registry editor, to do this, click the “Start” menu and in the “Run” line we write “regedit” and press the “Enter” key.

2) In the registry editor that opens, right-click on the “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE” line, select “Find” and in the search bar type “OEMBackground”, click “Find Next”.
Continue reading “How to change the welcome screen image in Windows 7”

The solution of the error “d3dx9_31.dll was not found” when running games

This error may occur if the computer has an old version of DirectX installed, so it is solved simply by downloading and launching a web installer that automatically updates DirectX via the Internet to the latest version.

Download the DirectX web installer from the link below:


How to enable USB debugging on Android

To enable USB debugging in the Android operating system, you need to open “Settings” – “Developer options” and tick “USB Debugging“.
If this menu is not available in the settings, you need to open “Settings” – “About Phone” and tap (touch) the item “Build number“, then the “Developer Options” item should appear in the settings.

USB debugging mode allows you to work with the device using the ADB utility, install and uninstall programs via ADB, view debug messages, be able to get root rights (full access to the operating system), etc.

Set up WatchDog by ABillS

In the ABillS billing system, you can configure the status check of any running programs, and configure automatic launch if any of them are not running.

For example, for tracking FreeRadius, you need to run the command:

/usr/abills/libexec/billd check_programs PROGRAMS="radiusd:/etc/init.d/radiusd start"

Where “radiusd” is the name of the program in the processes, and “/etc/init.d/radiusd start” the command to start it.

Continue reading “Set up WatchDog by ABillS”

Configuring SNMP Traps on D-Link Switches

I will give an example of setting up SNMP Traps sending on D-Link switches.
For example, I will take the switches D-Link DES-3200-x:

Create an SNMP password:

create snmp community public view CommunityView read_only

We indicate which host and with which password the traps should be sent:

create snmp host x.x.x.x v2c public

We indicate the change in the state of which ports to send traps:

config snmp link_traps ports 01-24 disable
config snmp link_traps ports 25-26 enable

Check the configuration of sending snmp traps with the command:

show snmp traps

Check the configuration of sending snmp traps on the status of ports with the command:

show snmp traps link_traps

At the end of the command, you can digitize port numbers.

See also my article:
Installing and using Net-SNMP