I will describe an example of backup ABillS billing system.
Continue reading “Backup ABillS”Category Archives: Linux
Transferring a running Ubuntu system to another disk
On the test, I use the Ubuntu Server 14.04.5 LTS system.
And so, on a running system, switch to root user:
Continue reading “Transferring a running Ubuntu system to another disk”Installing and using ifstat on Linux
ifstat is a program for collecting statistics on network interface load.
Continue reading “Installing and using ifstat on Linux”Installing Quagga on Ubuntu Server 18
I will give an example of installing Quagga in Ubuntu Server 18.04 (bionic).
Continue reading “Installing Quagga on Ubuntu Server 18”Preparing a Linux server before installing Accel-ppp
Here are some recommendations for setting up a server on which Accel-ppp will work.
Continue reading “Preparing a Linux server before installing Accel-ppp”Notice “Call from X to extension X rejected because extension not found in context X”
Once I was asked by a client to see why he could not get through to one of the numbers.
I opened the asterisk console:
Nextcloud two-factor authentication
I will give an example of setting up two-factor authentication in Nextcloud using Google Authenticator.
Continue reading “Nextcloud two-factor authentication”Copying data to Nextcloud via FTP
Suppose you need to copy data via FTP to Nextcloud.
Configure the FTP server if it is not configured, for example, as I described in the article:
Configuring ProFTPd with virtual users in a file
Create an FTP user that will work on behalf of the user and the www-data (uid 33) group:
Backup script example
I will write below a simple example of backing up mysql databases using mysqldump.
Continue reading “Backup script example”How to make a bootable USB flash drive with VyOS
I will give an example of creating a bootable flash drive with VyOS.
Continue reading “How to make a bootable USB flash drive with VyOS”