The solution of the error “d3dx9_31.dll was not found” when running games

This error may occur if the computer has an old version of DirectX installed, so it is solved simply by downloading and launching a web installer that automatically updates DirectX via the Internet to the latest version.

Download the DirectX web installer from the link below:

View and configure sharing of files and folders Windows from the command line

I will give an example of some commands for setting up sharing of resources.

View shared resources:

net share

Deleting a shared resource:

net share <sharename> /delete

Sharing a folder:

net share sharename=C:\dir

Example of disconnecting users from the share:

net session \\pc1 /delete

To close an open network file, use the command:

net file file_id /close

An example of granting user rights to a file (N – not set, W – write, C – change, F – full access):

cacls file.txt /G User:w

To cancel user access to a share:

cacls /R User

We allow up to 5 users to simultaneously connect to a shared resource:

net share sharename /users:5

Example of caching settings from a share (manual/BranchCache/documents/programs/none):

net share myshare /cache:manual

I want to note that when opening a share to a resource in the firewall, the following ports should be opened: TCP 139, TCP 445, UDP 137, UDP 138.

See also my articles:
Installing and using the nbtscan network scanner
Some information about the virus encryptor Trojan.Encoder.12544 attacked 06/27/2017

Resolving Error 0x80246017 in Windows 10

You can solve the error 0x80246017 by quickly completing a few points:

1) Open the command prompt as administrator.

2) Execute the following commands in it:

reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsSelfHost\Applicability" /v "BranchName" /d "FBL_AWESOME1501" /t REG_SZ /f
reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsSelfHost\Applicability" /v "ThresholdRiskLevel" /d "low" /t REG_SZ /f
reg delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsSelfHost\Applicability" /v "ThresholdInternal" /f
reg delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsSelfHost\Applicability" /v "ThresholdOptedIn" /f

Done, the error should not be.

Solution of the error “The ordinal 42 could not be located in the DLL” (xlive.dll) when starting games

One day while starting the game, Fallout3.exe noticed a pop-up window with the error:

The ordinal 42 could not be located in the dynamic link library

So, this error is solved easily and quickly by installing the application “Games for Windows Software”.
Download it at the link:

That’s all.

Installing and using the nbtscan network scanner

Install command in Linux Ubuntu/Debian:

sudo apt-get install nbtscan

The Windows version can be downloaded from

Network scan example:


I will describe the possible startup keys:
-O FILENAME (output information to file)
-v (more detailed information output)
-p (port indication)
-H (generate HTTP header)
-m (MAC address indication)
-n (do not convert names to DNS, display only IP)
-t NUMBER (response time in seconds, default 1)
-v (display version nbtscan)

The solution of the “System error 1231 has occurred” when connecting a network drive

I once needed to connect a network drive to make a backup copy of the system, but an error occurred when I executed the connection command:

C:\Users\Administrator>net use K:\\\dir /persistent:no /user:name password
System error 1231 has occurred.
The network location cannot be reached. For information about network troublesho
oting, see Windows Help.

Later I determined that in the connection properties on the local network (also called Ethernet and Local Area Connection), the checkboxes for “Client for Microsoft Networks” and “File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks” were removed.

After I ticked these components and applied, the disk successfully connected:

C:\Users\Administrator>net use K:\\\dir /persistent:no /user:name password
The command completed successfully.

Error 1231 can also be displayed if, for example, the Netbios ports are blocked on the firewall or on the provider’s equipment so that users do not see the shared disks.

See also my article – Installing and Configuring Samba on Linux

Solving the problem of resetting the contrast after upgrading Windows 10

Once my Windows 10 installed another update, at the end of 2017, I did not remember which version the update was made on.
Immediately after the update, the computer rebooted and at startup I noticed that the screen became darker, the contrast increased, the black color became really black, almost like on Apple devices, but in fact the colors became not natural and it was not really possible to work with graphics.
For the test, I ran a few games and noticed that when moving a character to CS:GO for example, on some maps, the chart becomes so dark that you can forget about the game.
At that time, the Asus GeForce GTX 1060 Dual 6GB video card was installed on the computer, tried to switch color profiles in the NVIDIA panel, auto contrast correction turned off, but after restarting the computer the problem appeared again.
After I pulled out the video card, the integrated Intel® HD Graphics 630 had the same problem and setting parameters in the panel did not help.
Updating drivers for both video cards did not work either.

As it turned out, along with the update, Microsoft added Calibration Loader to the autorun via Task Scheduler, it just spoiled everything.

To solve the problem, I disabled it in the task scheduler.

You can find the “Calibration Loader” by clicking “Start” – “Task Scheduler”, go to \Microsoft\Windows\WindowsColorSystem, where I saw:

Name: Calibration Loader
Location: \Microsoft\Windows\WindowsColorSystem
Author: Microsoft Corporation
Description: This task uses color calibration options.

In the “Triggers” tab, you must disable both the “Log on” and “When connecting to a user session” flip-flops. This can be done by selecting the trigger, clicking the “Change” button below and unchecking the “Enabled” checkbox.

After that, without the Calibration Loader everything began to be displayed well.

Troubleshooting in Thunderbird “The IMAP server does not support the selected authentication method”

I will share information on this issue that has arisen from me.
I noticed recently on one of the computers that the mail stopped loading in Mozilla Thunderbird and the following message was displayed:

The IMAP server “…” does not support the selected authentication method. Please change the “Authentication Method” in “Account Settings | Server Settings”.

Before that, the mail was successfully downloaded, nothing changed in the Thunderbird configuration and on the mail server.
On a neighboring computer with similar parameters, there was no problem.

As I found out, the problem was in ESET NOD32 Internet Security and after turning off its protection (not a firewall) – the problem disappeared.
It’s amazing that the problem did not appear right away, during mail setup for example.

Since this computer was changing hardware and reinstalling the OS, and also mistakenly installed ESET NOD32 Internet Security, I did not investigate the reason for the blockage, deleted it and installed ESET NOD32 Antivirus, which was always on this computer, with the hope to continue to investigate the problem if it repeats itself, but after that it disappeared and did not appear.

Configuring an FTP server on Windows Server 2008 R2

On the test, I will configure the FTP server on Windows Server 2008 R2.

Open the “Server Manager”, it can be found in the menu “Start” – “Administrative Tools”.

If the “Web Server IIS” role is installed, then select it and then click “Add Role Services” (not Add Roles), check “FTP Server” and click “Next” and “Install”.

If the “Web Server IIS” role is not installed, in the “Roles” click “Add Roles”, select “Web Server IIS”, remove the tick from unnecessary components and check “FTP Server”, then click “Next” and “Install”.

Open “IIS Manager”, click “Add FTP Site …”, specify any name and path to the directory where the data will be stored, in the next window we will indicate which users are allowed to connect.

On the left we select the created FTP site, open “FTP Authentication” and activate “Basic Authentication”.

This completes the basic configuration of the FTP server and can be connected to it.

See my other articles on the topic Windows Server.