Once I noticed the following error in the file /var/log/proftpd/proftpd.log:
Continue reading “The solution to the error in ProFTPd “unable to open passwd file””error: unable to open passwd file ‘/etc/proftpd/ftpd.passwd’: Permission denied
Vyacheslav Gapon – personal blog, manuals, articles, notes, development
Once I noticed the following error in the file /var/log/proftpd/proftpd.log:
Continue reading “The solution to the error in ProFTPd “unable to open passwd file””error: unable to open passwd file ‘/etc/proftpd/ftpd.passwd’: Permission denied
To use Let’s Encrypt in cPanel, you need to install a special plugin.
To do this, connect to the server by SSH and execute the command from the root user:
After installing the Let’s Encrypt plug-in, you can use it in the AutoSSL management menu (WHM >> Home >> SSL/TLS >> Manage AutoSSL).
If you need to remove the plugin, then run the command:
See also:
Установка Certbot в Ubuntu
The first easy way to delete an account on Facebook is to follow the link:
Continue reading “How to delete a Facebook account?”Once used the social network Facebook, deleted the account and a year later, maybe a little more, decided to re-register.
It was around December 2017.
After the registration, I added one photo, Facebook offered to add friends. In the list of suggested friends, I added a couple of friends, and on several unknown people I clicked a cross, hoping that they would not be offered Facebook, I began to correspond with friends, and after a while the message was displayed that the account was deactivated and you need to attach one more photo.
I attached the photo, in the course of the day the account was activated, but after a while it was deactivated again, added the same photo – activated, I was asked for a photo of the passport for the third time, added – activated, later deactivated again and asked for another simple photo, after that the following message was displayed:
You Can’t Log In Right Now.
When we study your photo, we will contact you. For security reasons, we will now exit Facebook from you.
This message was displayed for about two months from 12.2017 to 02.2018, then it was generally displayed that the account was blocked.
Several times i wrote in technical support that he was blocked by mistake.
With the email that was used when registering the account it was impossible to register again, so I had to wait and on 06/03/2018 it was finally unblocked.
But I was already disappointed by such weak technical support and crooked locking algorithms, so I just deleted the account.
See also my article – How to delete a Facebook account?
Install the necessary packages:
sudo apt-get install slapd ldap-utils
During the installation, you will be prompted for a password for the admin user.
Reconfigure the slapd package:
sudo dpkg-reconfigure slapd
We will test the LDAP connection (should display “anonymous”):
ldapwhoami -H ldap:// -x
To manage LDAP, set up the web interface phpLDAPadmin:
sudo apt-get install phpldapadmin
To open the web interface phpLDAPadmin, type in the browser http://example.com/phpldapadmin, where instead of example.com, specify your domain.
On the opened page we will enter the password which was specified at installation, and where the login:
Restart example:
sudo /etc/init.d/slapd start
Here is an example of migrating a running Ubuntu system to a software RAID1.
In the process, you will need to perform two reboots.
The first step is to switch to the root user if not yet:
sudo -i
Let’s see a list of disks and partitions:
fdisk -l fdisk -l | grep '/dev/sd' lsblk -o NAME,UUID
Suppose that the system uses one disk, for example /dev/sda and has one main partition, /dev/sda1.
For the test, I installed a clean Ubuntu Server 18.04, the disk was parted by default, swap was the file on the same partition.
To create a raid, we connect another disk of the same size, it will be called /dev/sdb.
Continue reading “Configuring Software RAID1 on a Running Ubuntu System”
In this article I will give an example of setting up broadcast and multicast control on the Alcatel OmniStack LS 6224 switch.
Connect to the switch and go into the configuration mode:
enable configure
Select the ports on which you want to enable Storm Control:
interface range ethernet e1-24
Turn on the control of broadcast traffic and specify a limit of 70 kilobits per second:
port storm-control broadcast enable port storm-control broadcast rate 70
If you want to limit also multicast traffic, then execute the following command:
port storm-control include-multicast
The standard value is 3500, the possible range for ethernet ports is 70 – 100000, for gigabit ports 3500 – 1000000.
Now it remains to exit the configuration mode and save the configuration:
exit exit copy running-config startup-config
To see the data of the packet counters on the port, for example:
show interfaces counters ethernet g1
I will describe the process of updating the firmware on Alcatel OmniStack LS 6224.
Let’s connect to the device and switch to the mode of elevated privileges:
See the current firmware version:
show version
We look at what firmware versions are downloaded and what is active:
show bootvar
See how much memory is free:
Run the command to copy the firmware file from the TFTP server to the switch:
copy tftp:// image-2
I had an active firmware image-1, so I saved a new one like image-2.
I used the firmware version
Let’s make an active uploaded firmware:
boot system image-2
show bootvar
We reboot the switch:
After reboot, the switch will boot with the new firmware.
If necessary, the firmware file can also be copied from the switch to TFTP:
copy image-1 tftp://
How to start the TFTP server I described in these articles:
Installing and Configuring a TFTP Server in Ubuntu
Starting a TFTP server in Windows
I will describe examples of resetting the settings on the Alcatel OmniStack LS 6224 in several ways.
1) Connect to the device and execute the command to delete the configuration and restart:
enable delete startup-config reload
Just in case, before deleting the configuration, you can make a backup copy to the tftp server or locally:
copy startup-config tftp:// copy startup-config startup-config-backup dir
To return it is possible so:
copy tftp:// startup-config copy startup-config-backup startup-config
2) If the password for the switch is unknown, then connect to it with a console cable, the speed is usually 9600.
Turn on the power switch, waiting for the message:
Autoboot in 2 seconds – press RETURN or Esc. to abort and enter prom.
When the message appears – press the “Enter” or “Esc” key, in the resulting menu select “[3] Password Recovery Procedure”, then “[7] Back” and wait for the device to start.
After that, the switch will start and will not ask for the password, just delete the configuration as I wrote above or change the password to the user:
enable configure username admin password PASSWORD level 15 exit copy running-config startup-config reload
For example, configure Loopback Detection on the Alcatel OmniStack LS 6224 switch.
Let’s look at the current settings for Loopback Detection:
enable show loopback-detection
Let’s go into the configuration mode, enable and specify some parameters of Loopback Detection:
configure loopback-detection enable loopback-detection mode src-mac-addr loopback-detection interval 30
Turn on the client ports Loopback Detection:
interface range ethernet e1-24,g2-4 loopback-detection enable exit
g1 I have an uplink, so I did not enable Loopback Detection on it.
Let’s configure automatic activation of the port after 3000 seconds, if it was turned off due to the loop (you can specify the value in seconds 30-86400, standard 300):
errdisable recovery interval 3000 errdisable recovery cause loopack-detection show errdisable recovery show errdisable interfaces
Exit the configuration mode and save the configuration:
exit copy running-config startup-config