Solution of error with binary-mode when importing MySQL dump from the command line

Once I decided to import sql dump:

mysql -u root database < database.sql.gz

And I noticed the following error:

ERROR: ASCII '\0' appeared in the statement, but this is not allowed unless option --binary-mode is enabled and mysql is run in non-interactive mode. Set --binary-mode to 1 if ASCII '\0' is expected. Query: ''.

The error occurs because the dump is compressed and must first be unpacked:

gunzip database.sql.gz

And then import:

mysql -u root database < database.sql

See my other articles in the category MySQL

Installing Webmin

Webmin – a graphical web interface for managing a Linux server, written in Perl.
Official site:

Here is an example of installing Webmin in Ubuntu.

Open the list of sources in a text editor:

nano /etc/apt/sources.list

Add this line to it:

deb sarge contrib
deb sarge contrib

We go to the temporary directory and import the key:

cd /tmp
apt-key add jcameron-key.asc

We update the list of sources:

apt-get update

We install the packages necessary for the correct operation of Webmin:

sudo apt-get install perl libnet-ssleay-perl openssl libauthen-pam-perl libpam-runtime libio-pty-perl libmd5-perl

Install Webmin:

apt-get install webmin

The installation is complete, to open the Webmin interface we will open in the browser https://HOST:10000

Restoring MikroTik (RouterOS) using NetInstall

NetInstall is used to reinstall RouterOS when it is damaged, the access password is incorrectly set or the access password is not known.

I will describe the basic steps:

1) Download NetInstall from the official site

2) Register a static IP address to the computer, for example

3) Connect the Ethernet cable to the router through the ETH1 port with the computer using the switch or directly.

4) Run the NetInstall application. Click the “Net booting” button, check “Boot Server” enabled and enter the IP address from the same subnet where the computer is located, for example, its NetInstall will temporarily assign it to the router. Any firewall on the computer must be disabled.

5) When the router is disconnected from the mains, press the “reset” button and continue to turn it on, wait for about half a minute until the NetInstall program displays a new device in the device list.

6) In “Packages”, click the “Browse” button and specify the directory with the firmware. In the list of devices (Routers/Drives) select a router, in the bottom of the list, tick the firmware to be downloaded to the router and click “Install”. The firmware is downloaded to the router and the status will be written “Waiting for reboot”, after which, instead of the install button, there will be a reboot button, and you will need to click it.

The router will boot with the new firmware. If there are any problems with the loading of the router, you can try to reset it to the standard settings by holding the reset button, or if there is a display, select “Restore settings” and enter the standard pin code 1234. Alternatively, restore via Netinstall with the tick “Keep Old Configuration” and indicating below your “Configure script”.

Firmware update of MikroTik devices

Updating the MikroTik firmware is easy enough, just open the web-interface of the device or WinBox, select “System” – “Packages” from the menu and click “Check For Updates”, if a new firmware is found, then click “Download & Upgrade”. The device will download the firmware from the official website and starts from it.

To flash MikroTik devices not to the newest version, or when the device does not have access to the Internet, I propose the following:

1) Download the firmware from the official website

2) Connect via WinBox (not through the web interface!), Select “Files” in the menu, a window will appear, just drag the firmware file with the *.npk extension and wait for the file to upload.

3) Reload the router. It will have to start with a new firmware.


To downgrade the firmware version, you need to perform steps 1 and 2, then connect to the device via telnet and run the command:

/system package downgrade

In case of problems, you can restore the router by following the instructions
Restoring MikroTik (RouterOS) using NetInstall

Transfer /boot from a separate partition to a main partition

On the test, I installed a clean Ubuntu Server 18.04, during the installation, the system automatically split the disk into one main /dev/sda1, which already had /boot files.
Since I did not have a system with /boot on a separate partition, I transferred it to a separate one and described the process in this article – Transfer /boot from a main partition to a separate partition

Now let’s move the /boot partition to the main /.

Let’s look at the information about the disks:

sudo fdisk -l
df -h

Continue reading “Transfer /boot from a separate partition to a main partition”

Transfer /boot from a main partition to a separate partition

Today, I’ll give an example of moving /boot from a shared partition to a separate partition.
For the test, you can connect a new disk or use the first partition on any disk, for example, with a size of 512MB.

Let’s look at the information about the disks:

sudo fdisk -l
sudo ls -l /boot
sudo du -hs /boot

Continue reading “Transfer /boot from a main partition to a separate partition”

Upgrading PHP Version on Ubuntu 14.04

Once it was necessary to upgrade the version of PHP 5.5.9 to 5.6 on Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS, the usual update of the system components did not help:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

You can try to upgrade the system to 16.04 or higher as I described in the article Updating Ubuntu 14.04 to 16.04. Together with the system will be updated and PHP.

If the system update fails, you can add a third-party source with PHP:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php
sudo apt-get update

And install the correct version from it, for example PHP 5.6:

sudo apt-get install php5.6 php5.6-mbstring php5.6-mcrypt php5.6-mysql php5.6-xml

Since there are several installed versions, disable the old version and activate the installed one:

sudo a2dismod php5
sudo a2enmod php5.6
sudo service apache2 restart

Similarly, you can install PHP 7.2:

sudo apt-get install php7.2
sudo a2dismod php5.6
sudo a2enmod php7.2
sudo service apache2 restart

Or PHP 7.0:

sudo apt-get install php7.0
sudo a2dismod php7.2
sudo a2enmod php7.0
sudo service apache2 restart