Setting up voicemail in Asterisk

For example, I’ll set up voice mail for SIP number 207.
Voice messages will be sent to the email using Postfix.
How to install it I described in this article – Installing and Configuring Postfix.

For starters, let’s point out the following in the context of SIP 207 (usually in /etc/asterisk/sip.conf):


Next, configure the configuration of voice mail in the file /etc/asterisk/voicemail.conf:

; Format of audio files
; From whom to send letters with notifications
; Whether to attach to an audio file
; The maximum number of messages (standard 100, maximum 9999)
; Maximum message time in seconds
; Maximum greeting time in seconds
; Number of seconds of silence before recording is complete
; Threshold sensitivity to silence, the lower the sensitivity, the value from 0 to 256, standard 128
; Maximum number of failed connection attempts
; Automatically move the listened messages to the "Old" folder. The default is on.
; The encoding of messages, the standard ISO-8859-1, with it my part of the text was displayed incorrectly, so it's better to specify UTF-8
; Skip the line "[PBX]:" from the message header
; The text of the line "From:"
; Letter subject
emailsubject=New voice message ${VM_MSGNUM} in the mailbox ${VM_MAILBOX}
; The contents of the letter
emailbody=Dear ${VM_NAME}:\n\n\tYou received a new voice message in length ${VM_DUR} under the number (number ${VM_MSGNUM})\nin the mailbox ${VM_MAILBOX} from ${VM_CALLERID}, at ${VM_DATE}. \n\t
; Date format
emaildateformat=%A, %d %B %Y в %H:%M:%S
pagerdateformat=%T %D
; Standard program for sending mail
mailcmd=/usr/sbin/sendmail -t

ru=Europe/Moscow|'vm-received' q 'digits/at' H 'hours' M 'minutes'
ua=Europe/Kiev|'vm-received' q 'digits/at' H 'hours' M 'minutes'

; We will write the context parameters voicemailcontext, 1111 - voice mail password (you can not specify), Username - user name, - which address to send voice messages, after the comma you can specify one more, at the end of the option
207 => 1111,Username,,,attach=yes|tz=ua|delete=yes

By the way, if you do not specify “delete=yes”, when the maxmsg limit is reached, the answering machine will say a greeting, and then the text that the subscriber’s voice box is full and do not save the message, or send it to the email. In this case, you need to call the voicemail number and delete the messages. If “delete=yes” is specified, the messages are not stored on the server, they do not come to the voice mailbox, but only sent to the email, in this case the maxmsg limit does not work and the overflow is not possible.

Now, in the configuration of the dial plan /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf in the main context, add the number by calling to which you can listen to the mail:

exten => 500,1,Log(NOTICE, Dialing out from ${CALLERID(all)} to VoiceMail (500))
exten => 500,n,VoiceMailMain(0${CALLERID(num)}@voicemailcontext,s)
exten => 500,n, Hangup

And add the VoiceMail line to the dialing context of the number 207 (after which, if the number is not answered or not on the network, voice mail will work), for example:

exten => 207,1,Dial(SIP/207,30)
exten => 207,n,Answer
exten => 207,n,VoiceMail(207@voicemailcontext)

Finally we connect to the Asterisk console, reload the configuration, see the list of voice mailboxes and letters:

asterisk -rvv
sip reload
voicemail reload
dialplan reload
voicemail show users

The recorded messages are stored in the directory /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/
Sound files are stored in /usr/share/asterisk/sounds

See also:
Sending Asterisk voicemail to multiple emails
Solving the error in Asterisk “File vm-newn does not exist in any format”
How to convert audio files to ulaw, alaw, gsm, g722, etc. for Asterisk

Asterisk time based routing

Here is an example of routing calls over time in Asterisk.
Assume that the /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf file has a configured context for the trunk with the following parameters:

exten => s,1,DIAL(SIP/6004&SIP/6003,19)
exten => s,2,Hangup()

And to resolve the time calls to different phones, we will point out for the context of this trunk only nested contexts:

include => daytime,8:00-18:00,mon-sat,*,*
include => nighttime,18:00-8:00,mon-sun,*,*
include => sunday,8:00-22:00,sun,*,*

In fact, daytime, nighttime, sunday are only the names of contexts for which the time is written in the context of [Trunk_2], they can be called anything.

And then in these separate contexts we will already add the necessary extensions.
That is, in the afternoon:

exten => s,1,DIAL(SIP/6004&SIP/6003,19)
exten => s,2,Hangup()

At night:

exten => s,1,DIAL(SIP/6002,19)
exten => s,2,Hangup()

And on Sunday:

exten => s,1,DIAL(SIP/6002,19)
exten => s,2,Hangup()

You can also, for example, create a holiday context with holidays:

include => holiday,*,*,1,jan
include => holiday,*,*,8,mar


For those who want to paint more in detail by day, I’ll give you a list of days in English:
mon – Monday
tue – Tuesday
wed – Wednesday
thu – Thursday
fri – Friday
sat – Saturday
sun – Sunday

Similarly, up to three letters and names of months are shortened.

Recovering GRUB Linux

Usually on each disk there is an MBR (master boot record) and when the computer is turned on, the BIOS accesses it for information for further download. On Linux systems, GRUB is used as the boot loader, I will write about the recovery options of which below.

You can see the version of GRUB using the command:

grub-install --version

1) First option.
We start the system with LiveCD/USB, for example in the Ubuntu Desktop image, in addition to the installation, it is possible to start the system.
Open the terminal, for this press Alt+F2 and enter the command:


Continue reading “Recovering GRUB Linux”

Configuring Cron Jobs in cPanel and WHM

Cron jobs are added separately for each user through the cPanel and WHM web interface, namely cPanel “Advanced” -> “Cron Jobs“.
Through the WHM panel “Home” -> “Server Configuration” -> “Configure cPanel Cron Jobs“.

But there are also system tasks that can not be seen through the panel.
They can be seen by connecting through SSH to the server and running the command from the root user:

crontab -e

or from another user via sudo:

sudo crontab -e

In the nano editor, the shortcut Ctrl+X is used to exit, and y/n to save or discard the changes.
The file itself with the tasks is located on the path /var/spool/cron/root

If an annoying report is sent to an e-mail when executing an assignment, you can hide the output of the task by adding the following code to the end of the command:

>/dev/null 2>&1

To restart the Cron service, use the command:

service crond restart

See also a similar article: Using and configuring CRON

Configure ProFTPd using the MySQL user database

Let’s say there is a ProFTPd server installed, for example, as I described in this article – Installing and Configuring ProFTPd in Ubuntu
And also installed MySQL server, for example, as I described in this article – Installing and configuring a MySQL server on Ubuntu

Here is an example of setting up ProFTPd using the MySQL user database.

Continue reading “Configure ProFTPd using the MySQL user database”

The solution of the error “Job for puppetserver.service failed because the control process exited with error code”

I noticed once when I started Puppet server, after installation, the following error:

Job for puppetserver.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See “systemctl status puppetserver.service” and “journalctl -xe” for details.

The error occurs because there is not enough RAM and to fix the error, open the Puppet server configuration file:

sudo nano /etc/default/puppetserver

And reduce the amount of allocated RAM for the Puppet server (for example, I specified 512m instead of 2g):

JAVA_ARGS="-Xms512m -Xmx512m"

Now let’s start the Puppet server:

sudo systemctl start puppetserver