IPTables rules for ntopng

First of all, let’s look at the current IPTables rules:

iptables -nvL

To open the ntopng port, add the rule:

sudo iptables -A INPUT -m tcp -p tcp --dport 3000 -j ACCEPT

To open the ntopng port for a specific network or IP only:

sudo iptables -A INPUT -m tcp -p tcp --dport 3000 -s -j ACCEPT

See also my articles:
Configuring IPTables
Install and configure ntopng

IPTables rules for nprobe

First of all, let’s look at the current IPTables rules:

iptables -nvL

In order for nprobe to accept NetFlow data, open the port for it:

sudo iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport 2055 -j ACCEPT

In order for nprobe to accept NetFlow data only from a particular network or IP:

sudo iptables -A INPUT -s -p udp --dport 2055 -j ACCEPT

See also my articles:
Configuring IPTables
Install and configure nprobe

Install and configure nprobe

Suppose we installed ntopng as I described in this article – Install and configure ntopng
That is, they selected the necessary package at http://packages.ntop.org/apt-stable/ and downloaded it:

wget wget http://apt-stable.ntop.org/16.04/all/apt-ntop-stable.deb
sudo dpkg -i apt-ntop-stable.deb

Install nprobe if it is not installed:

sudo apt-get clean all
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nprobe

To receive NetFlow data and transfer it to ntopng, create a file (in the nano editor, press CTRL+X to exit, y/x to save or discard changes):

sudo nano /etc/nprobe/nprobe-anyname.conf

Add to it:

-3 2055
--flow-version 9

2055 is the port on which you want to receive NetFlow data, and port 5556 is used to transmit it to ntopng.
See my articles on configuring NetFlow on switches:
Configuring NetFlow on Cisco
Configuring sFlow on D-Link Switches
Setting up and using Traffic Flow in Mikrotik

Now it remains to open the ntopng configuration in a text editor:

sudo nano /etc/ntopng/ntopng.conf

And add a line at the end (thereby adding the nprobe interface to collect statistics):


It remains to restart ntopng to apply the changes:

sudo service ntopng restart

Check whether everything works:

sudo netstat -tulpen | grep 2055
sudo netstat -tulpen | grep 5556
sudo /etc/init.d/nprobe status

I noticed that nprobe does not always shut down after the command:

sudo /etc/init.d/nprobe stop

Therefore, if necessary, you can stop it like this:

sudo killall nprobe
sudo kill -9 PID

In the free version of nprobe, I had a message:

NOTE: This is a DEMO version limited to 25000 flows export.

The full version can be purchased at the official site of shop.ntop.org.

See also:
IPTables rules for nprobe

Using netwox

I will give examples of using netwox and describe them.
I described the netwox installation in this article – Установка netwox

Example of a standard startup:

sudo netwox

netwox has quite a lot of functions, you can see them by pressing after starting the number 3 and Enter.

Network configuration display:

sudo netwox 1

Display debugging information:

sudo netwox 2

Display information about the IP address or host name:

sudo netwox 3 example.com

Displaying information about the MAC address:

sudo netwox 4 -e 00:15:5D:38:01:08

Obtaining MAC addresses from the IP list:

sudo netwox 5 -i

Display information that will be used to reach the specified IP address:

sudo netwox 6

Sniffer, displaying the transmitted packets on the screen:

sudo netwox 7

Sniffer, displaying only the list of open ports that were used in the captured packets:

sudo netwox 8

Sniffer, mapping of MAC and IP addresses:

sudo netwox 9

An example of capturing packets and displaying brief statistics (the number of packets counted, the size of packages, the percentage of the number of packets (c%), the percentage of the size (s%)):

netwox 10 -d eth0

Convert a digit to an encrypted one:

sudo netwox 21 -n number

Converting a string to an encrypted string (sha256, md5, etc.):

sudo netwox 22 -d text

Show ASCII table:

sudo netwox 23

Check the security of the directory:

sudo netwox 25 /tmp/

Example of ICMP PING:

sudo netwox 49 -i

Example of ARP PING:

sudo netwox 55 -i

Example ICMP route tracing:

sudo netwox 57 -i examle.com

Example of TCP route tracing:

sudo netwox 59 -i examle.com

Example UDP route tracing:

sudo netwox 61 -i examle.com

Example of port scanning:

sudo netwox 67 -i -p 1-1000

ICMP scanning for availability:

sudo netwox 65 -i

TCP port access scan:

sudo netwox 67 -i -p 80

UDP port access scan:

sudo netwox 69 -i -p 80

ARP scanning:

sudo netwox 71 -i

Flood random fragments:

sudo netwox 74 -i

Filling the table of MAC-addresses of the switch by sending a flood:

sudo netwox 75


sudo netwox 76 -i -p 80


Installing and Configuring OpenFire

OpenFire – A cross-platform XMPP server written in Java.

For the test, I will install OpenFire in Ubuntu Server 16.04 and describe the process.

Since OpenFire requires Java, let’s see the installed version on the system:

java -version

If necessary, install Java:

sudo apt-get install default-jre

Then go to the download page www.igniterealtime.org/downloads/, click download and copy the link.

Download, adding at the end the copied link instead of LINK:

wget -O openfire.deb LINK

For example:

wget -O openfire.deb http://www.igniterealtime.org/downloadServlet?filename=openfire/openfire_4.2.1_all.deb


sudo dpkg --install openfire.deb

Now it remains to open in the browser http://YourServer:9090/ and follow the prompts.

After that, the installation of OpenFire will be completed.

If necessary, you can stop, start, or restart OpenFire like this:

/etc/init.d/openfire {start|stop|restart|force-reload}

Installing and Configuring SSMTP

SSMTP – an alternative to sendmail for sending mail, allows you to configure sending via third-party mail servers.

To install in Ubuntu, use the command:

sudo apt-get install ssmtp mailutils

Next, open the /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf file in any text editor (in the nano, press Ctrl+X to exit, y/n to save or discard changes):

sudo nano /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf

Comment out all and set up as shown below for an example:


If you use Google mail, you will probably need to allow “Untrusted applications” in the settings at https://myaccount.google.com/security.

Also open the /etc/ssmtp/revaliases file in the text editor:

sudo nano /etc/ssmtp/revaliases

And add:


Let’s try to send the letter to the specified address (after the command we will type the desired text and put a point for completion):

sendmail -v admin@example.com

Letters must be sent from the address specified in the file /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf.

Using Linux ISG

View all sessions:

/opt/ISG/bin/ISG.pl | less

View information about a specific session:

/opt/ISG/bin/ISG.pl | grep

Viewing the number of sessions:

/opt/ISG/bin/ISG.pl show_count

Deleting a specific session:

/opt/ISG/bin/ISG.pl clear
/opt/ISG/bin/ISG.pl clear <IP-address | Virtual# | Session-ID>

Change the speed for a specific session (incoming/outgoing, for example 100 MB/s):

/opt/ISG/bin/ISG.pl change_rate 102400 102400

I note that the speed is specified in kilobytes, and when viewed in the table of sessions is displayed in bytes.

I’ll describe the possible keys to the flags:
A (Session approved)
X (Session not approved)
S (This is a service (or sub-session))
O (Service administrative status is enabled)
U (Online service (RADIUS account is active, traffic flow))
T (Type of service – “tagger”)
Z (Disconnected)