Using iptables, you can write network activity to the log file, that is, which data is sent to and from where it comes from.
Continue reading “Logging activity using IPTables”Category Archives: Linux
Monitoring of Apache2 parameters in Zabbix
Install the necessary components:
sudo apt-get install curl
Activate the module information about apache2 (usually it is activated initially):
sudo a2enmod info
Open the configuration file of the module and specify the IP address of the zabbix server to allow it to view information about apache2 (if apache2 is on the local machine, then access is usually allowed by specifying local or
sudo nano /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/status.conf
In the nano editor, CTRL+X is used to exit and y/n to save or discard changes. Example of specifying IP:
<Location /server-status> SetHandler server-status Require local Require ip </Location>
Restart the web server to apply the changes:
sudo service apache2 restart
Now the information about apache2 is available through the browser by the link http://HOST/server-status
Let’s move on to Zabbix. Create a folder for scripts if it does not exist:
mkdir /etc/zabbix/scripts/ chown root:zabbix -R /etc/zabbix/scripts/ chmod 750 /etc/zabbix/scripts/
In the zabbix server configuration file, we specify the path to this folder:
sudo nano /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf
Now I will give the content of the script:
#!/bin/bash if [[ -z "$1" || -z "$2" || -z "$3" ]]; then exit 1 fi ##### PARAMETERS ##### RESERVED="$1" METRIC="$2" URL="$3" STATSURL="${URL}?auto" # CACHE_TTL="55" CACHE_FILE="/tmp/zabbix.apache2.`echo ${URL} | md5sum | cut -d" " -f1`.cache" EXEC_TIMEOUT="2" NOW_TIME=`date '+%s'` ##### RUN ##### if [ -s "${CACHE_FILE}" ]; then CACHE_TIME=`stat -c"%Y" "${CACHE_FILE}"` else CACHE_TIME=0 fi DELTA_TIME=$((${NOW_TIME} - ${CACHE_TIME})) # if [ ${DELTA_TIME} -lt ${EXEC_TIMEOUT} ]; then sleep $((${EXEC_TIMEOUT} - ${DELTA_TIME})) elif [ ${DELTA_TIME} -gt ${CACHE_TTL} ]; then echo "" >> "${CACHE_FILE}" # !!! DATACACHE=`curl -sS --insecure --max-time ${EXEC_TIMEOUT} "${STATSURL}" 2>&1` echo "${DATACACHE}" > "${CACHE_FILE}" # !!! echo "URL=${URL}" >> "${CACHE_FILE}" # !!! chmod 640 "${CACHE_FILE}" fi # if [ "${METRIC}" = "accesses" ]; then cat "${CACHE_FILE}" | grep -i "accesses" | cut -d':' -f2 | head -n1 fi if [ "${METRIC}" = "kbytes" ]; then cat "${CACHE_FILE}" | grep -i "kbytes" | cut -d':' -f2 | head -n1 fi if [ "${METRIC}" = "cpuload" ]; then cat "${CACHE_FILE}" | grep -i "cpuload" | cut -d':' -f2 | head -n1 fi if [ "${METRIC}" = "uptime" ]; then cat "${CACHE_FILE}" | grep -i "uptime" | cut -d':' -f2 | head -n1 fi if [ "${METRIC}" = "avgreq" ]; then cat "${CACHE_FILE}" | grep -i "ReqPerSec" | cut -d':' -f2 | head -n1 fi if [ "${METRIC}" = "avgreqbytes" ]; then cat "${CACHE_FILE}" | grep -i "BytesPerReq" | cut -d':' -f2 | head -n1 fi if [ "${METRIC}" = "avgbytes" ]; then cat "${CACHE_FILE}" | grep -i "BytesPerSec" | cut -d':' -f2 | head -n1 fi if [ "${METRIC}" = "busyworkers" ]; then cat "${CACHE_FILE}" | grep -i "BusyWorkers" | cut -d':' -f2 | head -n1 fi if [ "${METRIC}" = "idleworkers" ]; then cat "${CACHE_FILE}" | grep -i "idleworkers" | cut -d':' -f2 | head -n1 fi if [ "${METRIC}" = "totalslots" ]; then cat "${CACHE_FILE}" | grep -i "Scoreboard" | cut -d':' -f2 | sed -e 's/ //g' | wc -c | awk '{print $1-1}' fi # exit 0
Let’s make the script file executable:
chown root:zabbix /etc/zabbix/scripts/ chmod 550 /etc/zabbix/scripts/
Script validation example:
sudo -u zabbix /etc/zabbix/scripts/ none accesses http://HOST/server-status
Open the zabbix agent configuration file in the editor:
sudo nano /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf
And we will specify the following parameters:
UserParameter=apache2[*],/etc/zabbix/scripts/ "none" "$1" "$2"
Some commands allow you to see the number of apache2 processes and connections to port 80, for this you do not need a script, for example, you can specify:
UserParameter=apache2.count_processes,ps aux | grep apache | wc -l UserParameter=connections_on_80_port,netstat -na | grep :80 | wc -l
Restart the zabbix agent to apply the changes:
sudo /etc/init.d/zabbix-agent restart
Let’s check:
zabbix_get -s -k "apache2[accesses,http://HOST/server-status]"
Now we will create a template and add data elements, an example of created data items:
Exported ready template – apache2-status
We also need to add a macro to the monitored host:
Macro: {$APACHE_STATS_URL} Value: http://HOST/server-status
The number of apache2 processes can be obtained from the Zabbix agent by creating on the Zabbix server a data element with a key:
Installing MariaDB in Ubuntu
On the test I will install MariaDB in Ubuntu 16.04.
First of all, let’s look at the required repository at
There is also an instruction for their addition.
Updating the Linux kernel on Hetzner servers
It took one day to update the CentOS kernel on the server in Hetzner, which worked without rebooting for about 2 years.
I looked at various information about the system, the versions of the installed kernels and the running kernel:
lsb_release -a uname -r uname -a cat /proc/version sudo rpm -q kernel ls /boot | grep vmlinuz
Updated kernel:
yum -y update
Rebooted the server using the link in cPanel
You can also use the command:
After rebooting the server did not start, I immediately made a request for technical support via the
Technical support responded within two minutes, as they reported, the server did not respond to keystrokes, there was a black screen, after the physical shutdown and power-up, it successfully launched.
Here such there are cases of a reset, it is necessary to be ready to everything.
At the next reboots, hangup no longer occurred.
Opening and analysis of files created with NetFlow
Here is an example of viewing statistics:
cat ft-v05.2015-05-01.000759+0300 | flow-stat -f 10 -S 3 | less cat ft-v05.2015-05-01.000759+0300 | flow-stat -n -p -w -f 26 -S 2 | less flow-cat ft-v05.2017-12-07.170236+0200 | flow-print | less
You can see the flow-stat tips by typing:
man flow-stat
I will give an example of exporting data to another format (for example, in csv, which can then be opened in windows by any convenient program):
flow-cat ft-v05.2015-05-01.000759+0300 | flow-export -f 2 | less flow-cat ft-v05.2015-05-01.000759+0300 | flow-export -f 2 > csv.csv
You can display the list with the specified source address with the following command:
flowdumper -se '"" eq $srcip' ft-v05.2015-06-17.175701+0300
Export the list only with the specified source address to a file, for example, with the following command:
flowdumper -se '"" eq $srcip' ft-v05.2015-06-17.175701+0300 > file.txt
Example of exporting from multiple files:
flowdumper -se '"" eq $srcip' /backup/flows/acct/first/2016/2016-01/ft-v05.2015-06-17* > /backup/result.txt
See also:
Installing and using flow-tools
Installing and using flow-tools
Flow-tools – a set of utilities for sending, collecting, processing, analyzing NetFlow data.
Install a collector that will receive statistics from sensors:
Continue reading “Installing and using flow-tools”View information about RAM in Ubuntu
To view information about the installed RAM and information about the slots, you can use the following commands:
sudo dmidecode -t memory sudo lshw -C memory
The amount of free and used RAM space can be viewed by running the command:
One second data update:
free -s 1
Display information in megabytes:
free -m
Installing DokuWiki
DokuWiki – wiki engine, to create documentation.
On the test, I install DokuWiki in Ubuntu Server.
Install the necessary components and activate the module Rewrite:
sudo apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-php php-xml sudo a2enmod rewrite
Download the archive with the latest version of DokuWiki and unpack it:
cd /var/www/html sudo wget sudo tar xvf dokuwiki-stable.tgz sudo mv dokuwiki-*/ dokuwiki
We will expose the right owner for all files (under which Apache2 works):
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/dokuwiki
Create a test web configuration file:
sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/dokuwiki.conf
Add content to it (we will tailor it to your needs, for DokuWiki you need AllowOverride All):
<VirtualHost *:80> DocumentRoot /var/www/html/dokuwiki <Directory /var/www/html/dokuwiki> Options -Indexes AllowOverride All Order allow,deny allow from all </Directory> </VirtualHost>
We activate the web configuration and restart the web server:
sudo a2ensite dokuwiki sudo service apache2 reload
Open the browser in the install page http: //SERVER/dokuwiki/install.php and follow the directions.
After the successful installation, delete the installation file:
sudo rm /var/www/html/dokuwiki/install.php
If you want to send email messages from the server, you can install Postfix for example:
sudo apt-get install postfix
See also:
Installing and Configuring Postfix
Installing and Configuring the Apache2 Web Server
Solution to the error “Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/)”
I noticed some error when executing apt-get install and other commands with apt-get:
Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/); is another process using it?
I noticed the error on my virtual test Ubuntu Server, on which I performed various settings via apt-get install and during the execution the power was lost and the installation was not completed.
In my case, after the server was turned on, the installation continued in the background and of course apt-get commands were not accepted, so the best option for solving the error is to wait, the “top” command shows that the installation process is continuing.
Also, if auto-update is enabled, the system can install them, in this case it is advisable to wait.
If there is no time to wait, then you can unlock the directory with the command:
sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock
Solution of the error “Please run this cronjob as user amavis”
After installing updates on Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS, an error with the text began to appear daily:
Please run this cronjob as user amavis
run-parts: /etc/cron.daily/amavisd-new exited with return code 1
The reason was the update of amavis and the migration when updating the configuration file /etc/cron.daily/amavisd-new in /etc/cron.d/amavisd-new, and for some reason the old file was not deleted.
As a result, the solution to this problem – make sure that the configuration file /etc/cron.d/amavisd-new is present and delete the old file /etc/cron.daily/amavisd-new.