Suppose we went into the ONT TP-LINK TX-6610 web interface (standard IP, admin login, admin password) and specified transparent mode in the settings.
Watch how this is done in my video:
Solving the error “Unable to complete secure transaction” in Opera
Somehow I noticed an error in Opera “Unable to complete secure transaction”, at that time there was version 12.17, which appeared when switching to protected sites starting in an address with https.
The cause of the error is most likely the wrong date and time on the computer, after correctly installing them, the error should disappear.
WordPress update error solution “Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance”
There was a case once a long time ago, when updating WordPress an error occurred and it turned out that the update did not install and the site remained off.
When it was opened, it was displayed:
“Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance”.
Dahua DVR 5108 Firmware Update
On the test, I will update the firmware in the Dahua 5108 DVR.
Continue reading “Dahua DVR 5108 Firmware Update”Adding ONT Huawei EchoLife HG8010 to Huawei SmartAX MA5683T
Suppose you configured OLT as I wrote in this article Configuring the Huawei SmartAX MA5683T through the console.
Now connect via telnet or console to the Huawei SmartAX MA5683T.
After entering the login and password, we will go into configuration mode by typing the command:
Firmware Update DST-02S
I got the firmware by contacting Spec-TV technical support at the numbers indicated on the official website
How to set up a VPN connection in Windows 8
I will describe the points how to configure a VPN connection in Windows 8:
Continue reading “How to set up a VPN connection in Windows 8”Popular free apps for macOS
Here is a short list of popular free apps for MacOS.
Continue reading “Popular free apps for macOS”Question marks instead of Russian letters, a solution to the problem with Windows encoding
I noticed on one computer that instead of Russian letters on the command line and in some programs question marks are displayed.
Continue reading “Question marks instead of Russian letters, a solution to the problem with Windows encoding”Installing and Using GoAccess Log Analyzer on Ubuntu
GoAccess is launched from the command line and can collect information for analysis from the log files of HTTP servers, for example apache2, nginx.
Continue reading “Installing and Using GoAccess Log Analyzer on Ubuntu”