I will briefly describe what needs to be done to add the ONT EXTRALINK FHR2411K on Huawei SmartAX MA5683T.
Continue reading “How to add ONT EXTRALINK FHR2411K on Huawei SmartAX MA5683T”Installing and using rsync on Linux
rsync (Remote Synchronization) – a program that synchronizes files and directories.
Continue reading “Installing and using rsync on Linux”Configuring HotSpot on MikroTik (RouterOS)
I will describe the steps that need to be performed to configure HotSpot in Mikrotik.
Continue reading “Configuring HotSpot on MikroTik (RouterOS)”GLOBO 4100C Firmware Update
And so, for the firmware of the GLOBO 4100C tuner, you will need the Upgrade_3329C program, a null modem cable, see also my article:
Continue reading “GLOBO 4100C Firmware Update”How to solder a null modem cable RS-232
They asked me to flash a satellite tuner somehow, started looking for a cable, but it isn’t there, but there was a bunch of ordinary RS232 (mother-to-father). I had to think about how to solder homemade.
Continue reading “How to solder a null modem cable RS-232”How to install Observium on Ubuntu
I will give an example of installing the Observium monitoring system in Ubuntu Server 20.04.
Continue reading “How to install Observium on Ubuntu”Upgrading Zabbix 3.2 to 4.2 on Ubuntu
In the test, I’ll upgrade Zabbix Server 3.2 to version 4.2, running on the Ubuntu Server 14.04 operating system, similarly, I can upgrade to version newer 4.2, as well as upgrade older versions of Zabbix, for example 2.0, as well as on the Ubuntu 16.04 and Ubuntu 18.04 operating systems.
Continue reading “Upgrading Zabbix 3.2 to 4.2 on Ubuntu”How to see the process of exporting a SQL file?
In order to see the process of exporting a database to an SQL file, you can use the Pipe Viewer utility.
Continue reading “How to see the process of exporting a SQL file?”Installing and Configuring Pure-FTPd on Ubuntu
At the time of writing, I will be doing a test installation on Ubuntu Server 14.04.3 LTS.
Continue reading “Installing and Configuring Pure-FTPd on Ubuntu”How to install plugins for Photoshop
There are several ways to install plugins for Photoshop:
Continue reading “How to install plugins for Photoshop”