The main reasons for blinking energy-saving and LED lamps when the switch is off:
Continue reading “Why are energy-saving and LED lamps blinking?”Installing and configuring daloRadius
daloRadius – web interface for FreeRadius.
Continue reading “Installing and configuring daloRadius”Installing and configuring FreeRADIUS
Installation on Ubuntu:
Continue reading “Installing and configuring FreeRADIUS”Disabling IPv6 on Linux
First, check whether IPv6 protocol support is enabled or disabled (0 – on, 1 – off):
Continue reading “Disabling IPv6 on Linux”Installing and Configuring Monit on Linux
Monit is a tool for monitoring and restarting any services.
Continue reading “Installing and Configuring Monit on Linux”Data recovery with extundelete
The extundelete utility allows you to recover files deleted from ext3/ext4 partitions.
Continue reading “Data recovery with extundelete”Data recovery with testdisk
Installation on Linux Ubuntu/Debian:
Continue reading “Data recovery with testdisk”How to change MAC address on Ubuntu from command line
View network settings:
Continue reading “How to change MAC address on Ubuntu from command line”Sending e-mail through the console utility Blat in Windows
Official website for downloading the program:
To execute commands with the program, you need to go to the directory where it is located, either specify the full path, or copy to the system directory.
Continue reading “Sending e-mail through the console utility Blat in Windows”TeXet TB-116FL firmware update
Before updating the firmware, it is necessary to save all the information available in the memory, since all data will be deleted, as well as remove the memory card from the electronic book.
Continue reading “TeXet TB-116FL firmware update”