Install ccze on Ubuntu / Debian:
Continue reading “Highlighting logs through Ccze”Install and use tmux
tmux is a terminal manager that allows you to disconnect from the server without losing processes and history and then connect to the same window (similar to screen).
Continue reading “Install and use tmux”Resolving a program startup error due to the absence of MSVCR100.dll
I noticed after installing and starting the game Grand Theft Auto V and Counter-Strike Source the following error:
Continue reading “Resolving a program startup error due to the absence of MSVCR100.dll”Hard Reset Lenovo A660
I will describe a few simple steps to perform a hard reset on the Lenovo A660:
Continue reading “Hard Reset Lenovo A660”Firmware Update D-Link DES-3200 A1 / B1
Using the example, I will update the firmware on several switches, DES-3200-10, DES-3200-26, DES-3200-28.
How to update the firmware on the D-Link DES-3200 C1, see my article:
Firmware Update D-Link DES-3200 C1
Using Wake On Lan on MikroTik
I will give an example of a command to send a wol packet:
Continue reading “Using Wake On Lan on MikroTik”Print image doubles
A couple of days ago, I noticed that when printing a picture on standard A4 paper, the image doubles strongly, about 5mm to the side and printing takes several times longer.
Continue reading “Print image doubles”Installing and Using Byobu on Linux
Byobu – a shell that allows you to run several programs in one session, disconnects from the server and continue working with open programs the next time you connect.
Continue reading “Installing and Using Byobu on Linux”How to make a bootable USB flash drive with Windows
The easiest way is to download the Rufus utility from, or WinSetupFromUSB from
Or the official Windows USB / DVD Download Tool:
Installing and using john on Linux
John the Ripper is a program for recovering passwords from their hashes.
Continue reading “Installing and using john on Linux”