Script for email notifications when detecting prohibited files

Once, a vulnerability was revealed on one of the file hosting services through which an attacker could upload files to a PHP server and execute it, the vulnerability was fixed and just in case, I wrote a script that would send an email if a PHP file was found in the specified directory:

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Script to check the free space on the HDD

Usually I use Zabbix to monitor free space on the disk system, which also notifies when it is running out, but Zabbix is not used on some servers, so I wrote a small script that performs this check and sends an email notification, for example, if there is less than 12Gb of free memory:

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WordPress. Solution “cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate”

Once on one of the sites I noticed in WordPress the menu “Tools” – “Site Health” the following errors:

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I connect sensors to UniPing v3

It was necessary to monitor once at one of the stations with servers when power supply disappears. At the station, the UPS was installed, and there was a generator in front of them, which turned on automatically when there was no power supply, so there were cases when the generator could not start, and the UPS was discharged and everything turned off.

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