I will give an example of restricting access to the Proxmox web interface on port 8006.
Continue reading “How to restrict access to the Proxmox WEB interface”Huawei MA5800 – Configuration Backup Script
I sketched another example of a script for backing up the Huawei MA5800 configuration.
Continue reading “Huawei MA5800 – Configuration Backup Script”Kenwood BM250 BM256 BM350 manual PDF
Download manual for Kenwood BM250 / BM256 / BM350 bread maker

Key ‘x’ doesn’t exist in table ‘x’
Once after updating the ABillS billing system, when opening the Maintenance>Hardware>PON menu and selecting a device, an SQL error occurred:

“Pings drop out” on GPON ONU and defective power supplies
One day, several technical specialists who connect the Internet to users began to complain that there was no speed and ping requests “dropped out”.

I once created a Zabbix template for the Deep Sea 7420 MK2 module, so I will post some important SNMP OIDs that I used:

Upgrade from Ubuntu 20.04 to 22.04 using “do-release-upgrade” command
For example, I will upgrade Ubuntu Server 20.04 to version 22.04.

Bird log rotation
I will give an example of the Bird log rotation script, since by default it was not in Ubuntu 18 and in neighboring versions too.

Moving Nextcloud to another server
For example, I will transfer Nextcloud from one Linux server to another and change the domain.

Migrating from Quagga to Bird
For example, I will give a simple example of migrating from Quagga to Bird, that is, how can you install Quagga and Bird at the same time on the same server, and switch between them.
Continue reading “Migrating from Quagga to Bird”