For example, I will give a simple example of migrating from Quagga to Bird, that is, how can you install Quagga and Bird at the same time on the same server, and switch between them.
Continue reading “Migrating from Quagga to Bird”MySQL. Accepted a connection with deprecated protocol ‘TLSv1.1’
One day I noticed warnings in the MySQL logs:
iPerf Mulicast
I will show an example of running iPerf to test network bandwidth using UDP Multicast.
Continue reading “iPerf Mulicast”How to translate SNMP MIB to OID
In this article, I will show an example of how to translate SNMP MIB to OID.
Continue reading “How to translate SNMP MIB to OID”Configuring NTP on Huawei Quidway S2300
I will show an example of setting up an NTP client on Huawei Quidway S2300 series switches so that the time on the switch is synchronized with the time on the NTP server.
Continue reading “Configuring NTP on Huawei Quidway S2300”Download TermIT “Smart” series Operation manual
Download the user manual for electric boilers TermIT series “Smart”
Continue reading “Download TermIT “Smart” series Operation manual”The screen lights up on Xiaomi smartphones
I noticed one night on the Xiaomi Redmi 10 phone that the screen often lights up, while there were no sounds or vibrations.
Continue reading “The screen lights up on Xiaomi smartphones”Configuring ETP48100-B1 with Huawei OLT
In this article I will show how I connected the ETP48100-B1 power supply to Huawei MA5608T.
Huawei ETP48100-B1 is very powerful and heavier than similar models, it is 48V 50A, but from the minuses – batteries cannot be connected to it, that is, it does not have a UPS function.
Zabbix: icmpping “Ping item must have target or host interface specified”
Once I upgraded Zabbix to version 6.4 and noticed that the “Template ICMP Ping” template stopped working on new devices, it continued to work on old ones, but if you add a new device, a warning was displayed:
Continue reading “Zabbix: icmpping “Ping item must have target or host interface specified””Zabbix. Upgrading the database to primary keys
Starting with Zabbix 6.0, primary keys are used for all tables in new installations, but since I upgraded Zabbix server to version 6.4, I had to manually update the tables after the upgrade.
Before updating, first of all, open the menu “Report” – “System Information” and make sure that the keys are not used, this will be indicated by the entry – “Database history tables use primary key – No”, if the keys are used, then this entry simply will not be.
Continue reading “Zabbix. Upgrading the database to primary keys”