Examples of Items for Zabbix

In this article I will give some examples of items for Zabbix agent and server.

Here is an example of counting the number of active processes (Element type is Zabbix agent, so I often count the number of processes nginx, apache2, sshd, named, radiusd, etc., and for a value of 0 you can make a trigger that the process does not work):

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How to turn off “Raise to Wake” on iPhone

Starting with the iPhone 6s version, the “Raise to Wake” function has appeared.

Thanks to which you can quickly check notifications on the iPhone, take a photo, turn on a flashlight, etc., without pressing the “Home” button.
If you do not perform any action, the iPhone will return to sleep.

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How to upgrade the router firmware

To upgrade the firmware of the router, you need to disconnect all unnecessary cables, leaving only the power and patchcad connected to one of the LAN ports and computer. In most cases, updating via Wi-Fi is not recommended! Then type in the browser address or, thereby opening its web-interface. The address may be different, you can find it by looking at the IP address of the gateway in the network settings.

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Difference between MASQUERADE and SNAT

In this article I will briefly describe the difference between MASQUERADE and SNAT.

MASQUERADE. Less fast routing than SNAT with mass requests, since for each new connection an IP address on the external network interface (WAN) is determined. Great for home use routers and when changing the IP address on the WAN interface.
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PPS Viewer Script (Packets Per Second)

The script every second displays the number of incoming and outgoing packets per second on the specified network interface.
Place the contents of the script into a file, for example, pps.sh and execute by specifying the name of the network interface (you can stop the execution of the script with CTRL+C):

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