To delete a Uber account, you must:
1) Open the application
Continue reading “How to delete a Uber account”Vyacheslav Gapon – personal blog, manuals, articles, notes, development
To delete a Uber account, you must:
1) Open the application
Continue reading “How to delete a Uber account”I noticed once on one of the servers that the RX overruns value is growing slightly.
I executed several commands (where p2p1 and p2p2 are the names of network interfaces):
ifconfig p2p1 ifconfig p2p2
Only the value of RX overruns increased by 10 packets every second, with traffic at about 2Gb/s (100,000 packets per second).
The server was equipped with the network adapter “HP NC552SFP 10Gb 2-Port Ethernet Server Adapter” with a network controller from Emulex.
Having looked the size of the maximum and current buffer:
ethtool -g p2p1 ethtool -g p2p2
Found that the buffers are set to maximum, TX buffer is 4096, and the maximum possible RX buffer was only 512.
See also my article – Changing TX and RX network interface buffers in Linux
Having looked at the correct distribution of network card interrupts over the processor cores:
grep p2p1 /proc/interrupts
Found that the network adapter has 4 IRQ interrupts maximum, and irqbalance accordingly allocated them to 4 cores, and the processor cores are 24.
The problem was solved by replacing the network adapter with a more expensive one – “665249-B21 HP 10Gb 2-port 560SFP + Adapter” with an Intel 82599 network controller.
After that, an error was not observed, RX and TX buffers were 4096, and IRQ was distributed to all 24 cores.
After a couple of days, the error counters remained at zero:
p2p1 RX packets:62535001155 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:36343078751 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:77395016742081 (77.3 TB) TX bytes:10991051263063 (10.9 TB) p2p2 RX packets:35672087256 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:58598868464 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:10996254475480 (10.9 TB) TX bytes:73378418623349 (73.3 TB)
Probably the previous network adapter was some kind of truncated version, since the price was two times lower, and in general for serious purposes it is better to use network adapters with a controller from Intel.
See also my article – Configuring the Network in Linux
To make a bootable USB flash drive with CAINE, perform several actions:
1) Download the image CAINE from the official site
2) Download Universal USB Installer
3) We connect the USB flash drive to the computer and run the Universal USB Installer. In it, we agree with the license agreement by clicking “I Agree“, in the second window where “Step 1:” choose “CAINE Linux“, where “Step 2” click “Browse” and point to the downloaded image of CAINE (for example, caine9.0.iso). In “Step 3:” select the letter of the flash drive, tick the “Format” (this will re-partition the file system table and erase all the data on the USB flash drive).
4) Click “Create” and wait for the process to complete.
Iperf — cross-platform console client-server program – a TCP and UDP traffic generator for testing network bandwidth.
Continue reading “iperf – testing network bandwidth”Let’s look at the current IPTables rules:
iptables -nvL
To open a port for the Iperf server, add the rule:
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 5001 -j ACCEPT
To open a port for a specific IP or network:
sudo iptables -A INPUT -s -p tcp --dport 5001 -j ACCEPT
See also my articles:
Configuring IPTables
Testing network bandwidth with Iperf
First, download the new firmware from the official website of D-Link
First of all, let’s look at the current IPTables rules:
iptables -nvL
To open the ntopng port, add the rule:
sudo iptables -A INPUT -m tcp -p tcp --dport 3000 -j ACCEPT
To open the ntopng port for a specific network or IP only:
sudo iptables -A INPUT -m tcp -p tcp --dport 3000 -s -j ACCEPT
See also my articles:
Configuring IPTables
Install and configure ntopng
First of all, let’s look at the current IPTables rules:
iptables -nvL
In order for nprobe to accept NetFlow data, open the port for it:
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport 2055 -j ACCEPT
In order for nprobe to accept NetFlow data only from a particular network or IP:
sudo iptables -A INPUT -s -p udp --dport 2055 -j ACCEPT
See also my articles:
Configuring IPTables
Install and configure nprobe
Suppose we installed ntopng as I described in this article – Install and configure ntopng
That is, they selected the necessary package at and downloaded it:
wget wget sudo dpkg -i apt-ntop-stable.deb
Install nprobe if it is not installed:
sudo apt-get clean all sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install nprobe
To receive NetFlow data and transfer it to ntopng, create a file (in the nano editor, press CTRL+X to exit, y/x to save or discard changes):
sudo nano /etc/nprobe/nprobe-anyname.conf
Add to it:
--zmq="tcp://*:5556" -3 2055 --flow-version 9 -n=none -i=none
2055 is the port on which you want to receive NetFlow data, and port 5556 is used to transmit it to ntopng.
See my articles on configuring NetFlow on switches:
Configuring NetFlow on Cisco
Configuring sFlow on D-Link Switches
Setting up and using Traffic Flow in Mikrotik
Now it remains to open the ntopng configuration in a text editor:
sudo nano /etc/ntopng/ntopng.conf
And add a line at the end (thereby adding the nprobe interface to collect statistics):
It remains to restart ntopng to apply the changes:
sudo service ntopng restart
Check whether everything works:
sudo netstat -tulpen | grep 2055 sudo netstat -tulpen | grep 5556 sudo /etc/init.d/nprobe status
I noticed that nprobe does not always shut down after the command:
sudo /etc/init.d/nprobe stop
Therefore, if necessary, you can stop it like this:
sudo killall nprobe sudo kill -9 PID
In the free version of nprobe, I had a message:
NOTE: This is a DEMO version limited to 25000 flows export.
The full version can be purchased at the official site of
See also:
IPTables rules for nprobe
sFlow – Traffic analysis protocol, similar to NetFlow.
Enable/disable sFlow on the switch:
enable/disable sflow
Viewing parameters:
show sflow show sflow flow_sampler show sflow counter_poller show sflow analyzer_server
Adding/modifying the sFlow analyzer server:
create/config sflow analyzer_server 1-4 owner NAME timeout 1-2000000(sec)/infinite collectoraddress ADDRESS collectorport udp_PORT maxdatagramsize 300-1400
Example of removing the sFlow analyzer server:
delete sflow analyzer_server 1-4
Creating, modifying, deleting the sFlow polling counters:
create/config sflow counter_poller ports NUMBER/all analyzer_server_id 1-4 interval disable/20-120(sec) delete sflow counter_poller ports NUMBER/all
Create, modify, delete sFlow sample ports:
create/config sflow flow_sampler ports NUMBER/all analyzer_server_id (1-4) rate value 0-65535 tx_rate value 0-65535 maxheadersize value 18-256 delete sflow flow_sampler ports NUMBER/all
I will give an example of setting:
enable sflow create sflow analyzer_server 1 owner Linux collectoraddress collectorport 6343 create sflow counter_poller ports 1 analyzer_server_id 1 interval 20 create sflow flow_sampler ports 1:1 analyzer_server_id 1 rate 1000 maxheadersize 128