Installing and Configuring OpenFire

OpenFire – A cross-platform XMPP server written in Java.

For the test, I will install OpenFire in Ubuntu Server 16.04 and describe the process.

Since OpenFire requires Java, let’s see the installed version on the system:

java -version

If necessary, install Java:

sudo apt-get install default-jre

Then go to the download page, click download and copy the link.

Download, adding at the end the copied link instead of LINK:

wget -O openfire.deb LINK

For example:

wget -O openfire.deb


sudo dpkg --install openfire.deb

Now it remains to open in the browser http://YourServer:9090/ and follow the prompts.

After that, the installation of OpenFire will be completed.

If necessary, you can stop, start, or restart OpenFire like this:

/etc/init.d/openfire {start|stop|restart|force-reload}

Installing and Configuring SSMTP

SSMTP – an alternative to sendmail for sending mail, allows you to configure sending via third-party mail servers.

To install in Ubuntu, use the command:

sudo apt-get install ssmtp mailutils

Next, open the /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf file in any text editor (in the nano, press Ctrl+X to exit, y/n to save or discard changes):

sudo nano /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf

Comment out all and set up as shown below for an example:

If you use Google mail, you will probably need to allow “Untrusted applications” in the settings at

Also open the /etc/ssmtp/revaliases file in the text editor:

sudo nano /etc/ssmtp/revaliases

And add:

Let’s try to send the letter to the specified address (after the command we will type the desired text and put a point for completion):

sendmail -v

Letters must be sent from the address specified in the file /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf.

How to delete a Foursquare account

For the test, I delete the Foursquare account.

First go to the account using your login and password, then click on the user’s icon in the upper right, select “My profile” – “Privacy settings”, in the text we find the link “delete your account” and click on it.

Direct link to delete:

In the opened page, you must specify the reason for the deletion and click “Delete Account”, then enter the password for confirmation.

That’s all.

Using Linux ISG

View all sessions:

/opt/ISG/bin/ | less

View information about a specific session:

/opt/ISG/bin/ | grep

Viewing the number of sessions:

/opt/ISG/bin/ show_count

Deleting a specific session:

/opt/ISG/bin/ clear
/opt/ISG/bin/ clear <IP-address | Virtual# | Session-ID>

Change the speed for a specific session (incoming/outgoing, for example 100 MB/s):

/opt/ISG/bin/ change_rate 102400 102400

I note that the speed is specified in kilobytes, and when viewed in the table of sessions is displayed in bytes.

I’ll describe the possible keys to the flags:
A (Session approved)
X (Session not approved)
S (This is a service (or sub-session))
O (Service administrative status is enabled)
U (Online service (RADIUS account is active, traffic flow))
T (Type of service – “tagger”)
Z (Disconnected)

Restoring MySQL tables

I’ll give an example of a simple check of tables of all databases using mysqlcheck:

mysqlcheck -u root -p -A

Where the -u option specifies the user name under which to connect to MySQL, -p to request a password, -A to check the tables of all databases.

Example of restoring a specific database:

mysqlcheck -u root -p -r db_name

Example of restoring a specific table in the specified database:

mysqlcheck -u root -p -r db_name table_name

I’ll describe the possible startup options.

Checking all databases and their tables, except INFORMATION_SCHEMA and performace_schema:

--all-databases, -A

You can specify the list of databases using the option:

--databases, -B

Run all with one query instead of the individual for each database:

--all-in-1, -1

Analyze tables:

--analyze, -a

After checking, repair the damaged tables:


Specify the address of the connection to the MySQL server (for example, if there are several):


Connecting to the MySQL server on the specified node:

--host=host_name, -h host_name

Directory with character settings:


Checking the tables for errors (default):

--check, -c

Check the tables that have changed since the last check or that were not closed properly:

--check-only-changed, -C

Checking the tables for compatibility with the current version of the server:

--check-upgrade, -g

Data compression is transmitted between the client and the server if both support it:


Write and display debugging information (on the standard mysqlcheck test in Ubuntu 16.04 was compiled without debug support):


Specifying the default character set:


Use only the specified parameter file:


The following option makes the test longer and guarantees the integrity of the tables, it will also take a lot of time to recover and produce many unnecessary rows:

--extended, -e

Check only the tables that were not closed properly:

--fast, -F

Continue even in the case of SQL errors:

--force, -f

Faster than extended, there are 99.99% errors:

--medium-check, -m

Do not read the options files, however the .mylogin.cnf file will be read:


See also my article – Connecting to MySQL from localhost without entering a password.

Optimize tables:

--optimize, -o

Specify the password when connecting:

--password[=password], -p[password]

TCP/IP port number for connection:

--port=port_num, -P port_num

Displaying the name of the program and all the parameters it receives from the parameter files:


Specify the connection protocol:


A quick method for checking tables, prevents scanning of lines for checking invalid links:

--quick, -q

Performing repairs:

--repair, -r

Quiet mode, only errors are displayed:

--silent, -s

Skip specified database:


Specifying the socket when connecting:

--socket=path, -S path

Connection using SSL:


Override -databases or -B, all the name arguments following the option are treated as table names:


Specifying a list of protocols separated by commas, which are allowed to be used for encrypted connections:


When recovering, get the table structure from the .frm file:


The MySQL user name that will be used when connecting:

--user=user_name, -u user_name

Detailed mode, more information is displayed:

--verbose, -v

Display version of mysqlcheck and exit:

--version, -V

See also:
Installing and configuring a MySQL server on Ubuntu

View information about MySQL databases

To view information about MySQL databases and their tables, we first connect to the MySQL console, for example, as root:

mysql -u root

Or so, if you need to enter a password:

mysql -u root -p

Let’s see a list of existing databases:


You can select a database like this:

USE dbname;

See which database is currently selected:


To see which tables the selected database contains:


Example of viewing the contents of the specified table:

SELECT * FROM tablename LIMIT 25;

To view the structure of a particular table, execute the command:

DESCRIBE tablename;

Where Field is the name of the column, Type is the data type, Null – determines whether the column can contain NULL values, Key – whether the column is indexed, Default – determines the default value for the column.

To see information about the indexes of the table, you can do this:

SHOW INDEX FROM tablename;

View information about the table, the encoding, its type (ENGINES), etc. you can use:


To see what types the server supports, you can do this:


Monitoring the web site in Zabbix

Here is an example of setting up monitoring of a web site in Zabbix:

1) Select or add a network node for which we will observe.

2) Add to the Web site “Web Scenario”, specifying in the first tab:
Name: any
Agent: for example, Internet Explorer 11.0
in the “Steps” tab, add a step:
Name: any
URL: for example
Required string: any string that is present on the site
Required status codes: 200

3) Add a graph for the created “Web Scenario” to see the download speed by selecting Download speed for scenario “ check”.

4) We add a trigger that will work after 3 unsuccessful attempts to access the site:
Name: any, for example “Site is not available”
Importance: any

{[ check].last(#3)}<>0


Configuring HTTP on Cisco

Connect to the Cisco switch and go into elevated privilege mode:


Now go into the configuration mode:

configure terminal

Enable HTTP:

ip http server
ip http authentication local

If necessary, you can disable HTTP and HTTPS as follows:

no ip http server
no ip http secure-server

Add a user if it does not exist:

username NAME privilege 15 secret PASSWORD

If you want to allow HTTP access to only certain IPs, then let’s see what rules there are on the switch:

show access-list
show ip access-lists
configure terminal

If there is no necessary rule, then we will create:

access-list 10 permit
access-list 10 permit

See my article – Restricting access to the Cisco Catalyst 6500 management

Apply the rule to HTTP:

ip http access-class 10

To cancel it is possible so:

no ip http access-class 10

If you need to specify the maximum number of connection attempts:

ip admission max-login-attempts 5
show ip admission configuration

Leave their configuration mode and save the configuration:


See also:
Configuring Cisco devices