Installing and configuring Tiny Tiny RSS in Ubuntu

Tiny Tiny RSS – aggregator of RSS feeds, which can be viewed in a single personal web-interface.

To get started, download the latest Tiny Tiny RSS version by running the command:

git clone tt-rss

Install the web server and MySQL server if they are not installed:

sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 mysql-server mysql-client

Create a database:

mysql -p -e "CREATE DATABASE `ttrssdb` CHARACTER SET utf8"

The previously downloaded directory from Tiny Tiny RSS will be moved to the web server directory:

sudo mv ~/tt-rss/ /var/www/

Open the installation directory in the browser http://HOSTNAME/tt-rss/install/, and follow the instructions on the screen.

After installation, open the main page http://HOSTNAME/tt-rss/ and enter the name: admin, password: password.

To update the RSS, add the following line to /etc/crontab:

*/30 * * * * /usr/bin/php /var/www/tt-rss/update.php --feeds --quiet

Alternatively, in the configuration file config.php, we change the parameter SIMPLE_UPDATE_MODE from false to true, and the RSS feeds will be updated when the web interface is opened.

In the settings it is desirable to change the administrator password.

Solution of the error “The ordinal 42 could not be located in the DLL” (xlive.dll) when starting games

One day while starting the game, Fallout3.exe noticed a pop-up window with the error:

The ordinal 42 could not be located in the dynamic link library

So, this error is solved easily and quickly by installing the application “Games for Windows Software”.
Download it at the link:

That’s all.

Configure Loop Protect in RouterOS (MikroTik)

Finally, starting with the version of RouterOS v6.37 and higher, protection against loops has appeared.
Loop Protect can be enabled on ethernet, vlan, eoip, eoipv6 interfaces.
Via WEB and Winbox on the interface settings page, opening the Interfaces menu.

Through the CLI, you need to go to the required submenu:

/interface ethernet
/interface vlan
/interface eoip
/interface eoipv6

Continue reading “Configure Loop Protect in RouterOS (MikroTik)”

Recovering file systems using fsck

Fsck (File System ChecK) – checks and restores file systems.

Before starting the scan, unmount the file system with the command:

umount /dev/sda1

An example of starting a scan (where /dev/sda1 is a device or partition to be checked):

fsck -V -C -f /dev/sda1

View brief documentation:

man fsck

I will describe some startup keys:
-C (display progress bar if possible)
-M (do not check mounted file systems)
-p (auto mode)
-y (agree to all questions)
-n (disagree on all questions)
-f (forced check)
-V (more detailed information)

Installing and using the nbtscan network scanner

Install command in Linux Ubuntu/Debian:

sudo apt-get install nbtscan

The Windows version can be downloaded from

Network scan example:


I will describe the possible startup keys:
-O FILENAME (output information to file)
-v (more detailed information output)
-p (port indication)
-H (generate HTTP header)
-m (MAC address indication)
-n (do not convert names to DNS, display only IP)
-t NUMBER (response time in seconds, default 1)
-v (display version nbtscan)

HP LaserJet P2055dn Firmware Update

I noticed once that the HP LaserJet P2055dn printer began to print for a long time, there were long pauses between printing, while there were no problems with the network and the size of the printed files was small.

Going to the IP-address through the browser in the printer’s web interface in the menu “Status” – “Device Configuration” you can see the version of the current firmware (firmware), it should be older than the downloaded one.

Let’s download the new firmware from the official site

Run the downloaded file, select the printer in the window that opens (it should be turned on) and click “Send Firmware” to start the firmware update process. Wait for the firmware update to complete.

This completes the update process. By the way, after the update, the problem with the delay in printing disappeared.

How to pull data from one column of a mysql table

To see data from one column, it is enough to execute the SQL query (where “abcd” is the name of the column in the table):

SELECT abcd FROM table;

To export to a file, just run the command in Linux:

mysql -u root -e "SELECT abcd FROM database;" -s -N > file.txt

Here is an example of exporting email addresses from a mysql table to an http page using PHP.
The thought immediately came to this plan (create a php file and open it through the browser):

// Connecting to mysql server
mysql_connect("localhost", "USER", "PASSWORD") or die (mysql_error ());
// Choosing a database
mysql_select_db("users") or die(mysql_error());
// SQL query
$rows = "SELECT * FROM account";
// Run this SQL query
$d = mysql_query($rows);
// Each row becomes an array ($row) using the mysql_fetch_array
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($d)) {
// Display the values of the email column
echo $row['email'] . "<br />";
// Close the connection to the database